Today I’m joined by Paparazzi Elite Leader Crystal Henson Nemeth. Crystal is a positive, uplifiting leader with a lot of great tips and suggestions to help you in your business! Let’s jump right in!
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I’m so excited to welcome to the show today Crystal Henson Nemeth. She is one of Paparazzi’s Elite Leaders and honestly one of my favorite people and you will see why here in just a minute. Crystal is an Executive Producer with Paparazzi, that is the Elite level. They hit that in March of 2016.
She is Life of the Party Bronze and she has been that since Paparazzi introduced that award, that’s 2 years running. Crystal has reached Crown Club 25 and her team size as of this recording is 711.
In 2015, Crystal won Rock the Runway when we were out in Kentucky so there is a necklace called “The Crystal” in the Zi Collection. If you are super lucky, they’ll bring it back for one of the upcoming conventions and you can snag it cuz if you weren’t there in 2015, you won’t be able to snag it unless they bring it back.
What got you started with Paparazzi??
Well, I was on Facebook one day and I happened to run across….one of my sisters had actually liked the page, Bling It On and I saw that she liked it and I went and like started reading some success stores from other consultants and so that is how I got started with Paparazzi was by reading other people’s success stories.
Awnya: Perfect! I LOVE that! Now,
What is your Why?
Awnya: You told me in the pre-interview chat that it’s changed a couple of times so maybe, Why did you start Paparazzi and why do you do it now?
Crystal: When I first started Paparazzi, I was a stay at home wife. I have always worked for my whole entire life, so this was my first time staying at home. And let me tell you, it was killing me, not being able to help financially in my household because I’ve always been used to taking care of everything. And so my husband was working every bit of overtime making $10 an hour and we were barely making ends meet.
So I originally started to help financially. Pay bills and buy groceries. Put gas in the car. Over the years, it has changed multiple times. Now, it’s to help others find the success that they are looking for and help them be able to put food on the table for their kids. You know, I have single moms on my team who were having trouble with that at first and so now it’s really just to help others.
Awnya: One of my favorite quotes from Zig Ziglar is- I think it says something like, “When you help enough other people get what they want, then you’ll get what you want.” And that is exactly what you are just talking about. Helping others get what they want so that you can get what you want, right?
Crystal: Exactly. Exactly.
Awnya: Let’s take a bit of a shift. This question I’ve gotten a bit of flack from some of the other leaders because it is kinda a downer but I think you know where we are going to go with it here in a moment.
What is your worst Paparazzi moment?
That moment where you just were down in the dumps, everything felt like it was against you and you had to make a choice whether you were going to stay with it or not. So what is that worst moment?
Crystal: Well, you know, I don’t think we have any worst moments in life period, so that would include Paparazzi. I think everything is a learning experience. And there have been times. And if someone tells you that there haven’t been times that they have contemplated on stopping their business then they’re probably not telling you the truth unless they are just really, really lucky.
But you know, I have a time when I first started Paparazzi, I hit Director within 3 months. And then it took me a year and a half to hit Premier Director and that was really, really discouraging for me.
And I wasn’t sure that this was something that I wanted to continue doing because I wasn’t seeing the success that I was wanting to see. So it was a down in my business. So I would have to say it would be that moment.
Awnya: Was there a particular moment where you’re like “I’ve just tried so hard for the last 18 months to hit this rank” and it just didn’t feel like it was coming together?
Crystal: It did. There was! I mean there were several. And It wasn’t just 1 moment in those 18 months. Every month when you work so hard to do it…In November, my team got within 150 pieces of getting premier director.
That was my 4th month in. So that was really, really a downer not to hit that. And then after that, you know, it was like, I just did not progress any. So, it was a learning experience.
Awnya: Absolutely!
What is the lesson that you want everyone listening to learn from your experience?
Crystal: To believe in yourself and continue to work hard. I could have utilized more of my upline and I didn’t and that was my fault. You know. Beating myself up was not helpful either I should have found ways around it and it took me 18 months to find those ways and start utilize my upline and asking questions and asking for help.
That is one thing about me is that I have trouble asking for help and I’ve learned that if you want to be successful in your business you’ve got to ask for help.
And so when I started asking for help and got different ideas from different people, I saw a change in my business. And I will tell you, I would not change those 18 months of my Paparazzi business because I was able to learn so much.
After I left that convention after that 18 months, I mean my team came back, hit Premier Director and Executive Director and then the following year in February we turned around and became a Producer team and in November we hit Premier Producer and then in March of this past year 2016 we became an Executive Producer team.
It took me a lot longer than I had anticipated for it to take me but I will tell you those 18 months was a learning lesson the whole 18 months.
Awnya: Now when you say you would have used your upline a little bit better, what ….if somebody is listening and is thinking, “Well, maybe I haven’t used my upline,” what would you tell them to do, like, how would you say to use their upline a little bit more.
Crystal: I would say to reach out. Talk to your upline. Let them know what your goals are in your business. Ask them for ideas and tips that can help you get to where you want to be within your organization. And when your upline tells you and gives you a challenge, don’t tell them that you will think about it or I don’t think that I can do that.
You have GOT to take these challenges from your upline because they have been in the exact same spot where you are right now. We all work through each level exactly the same and so take their challenges and be consistent with what they are telling you to do. Don’t just take a challenge that they’ve given you and do it that one time. Apply it to your business as a daily routine or a weekly routine.
Awnya: Oh! I love that. Thank you. That was a great little tidbit!
What is a habit that you have that contributes to your success?
Crystal: Consistency. Consistency is huge and believing in yourself. You have got to be consistent with your business. If you’re not consistent with your business, your customers see that. If you’re not positive in your business, or making positive posts, your customers see that. So you have got to be consistent.
Awnya: You are really a shining example of the positivity and consistency. I see on your Facebook almost every day. It is so nice to have that positivity and that looking for that silver lining in everything whether a piece sells out too fast and you didn’t get what you wanted.
If you could suggest 1 thing to a consultant who is feeling stuck in their business, what would that be?
Crystal: I would tell them to stop, rethink about what their why is and go back to when they first started. Go back to when they first started. Remember that feeling of excitement you got waiting on your starter kit.
Oooh! I’m getting chills talking about this! And remember why you started Paparazzi. Your why you started is…that is your story. Yes, your why changes over time, but your original why is your Paparazzi story and think about the excitement, the level of excitement.
What were you doing when you first started? Were you having more parties? Were you doing more events? And try to think about what you were doing in the beginning and rejuvenate it. And I recommend that you do a relaunch party because that really can revamp your business.
Awnya: I love what you said that about finding that passion, that excitement again. If you can tap into that, that is naturally contagious and people are going to want to host parties for you, they are going to want to join your business if you can tap into that.
If there’s like an underlying kind of grumpiness, that’s not near as contagious as if you can tap back into that why and that passion, that excitement. People love that.
What advice would you give to a brand new Paparazzi consultant just getting started in their business?
Crystal: I would tell them to make a list of everyone and individually message everyone. Let them know that you have started this new amazing $5 jewelry business and you are so excited and ask if they would be willing to help you out and book as many parties as you can.
And just be ready to have fun. Paparazzi is about having fun and I’m telling you, we offer an incredible product at an incredible price. And if you have fun at it, you will find the success that you’re looking for in your business.
Awnya: That is totally perfect. And it even can be used with the person that’s struggling. They can go back and make that list again and just tap into those people again. I do want to highlight one thing that you said just in case our listeners get confused. She said INDIVIDUAL messages. Not message group messages, not massive text messages.
Individual messages to your friends and family because that is a lot more personal and you’re going to get a lot better results from that. Don’t think that we said mass group text message or Facebook message because that’s not what works. That’s not what brings that personal touch into your business. Right Crystal?
Crystal: Exactly. And each message should be a little bit personalize to that person and it can be you going on their Facebook page and saying, “Oh! I just wanted to sell you I saw that Bryan had all A’s last month. Congratulations!” Make your messages personal to that person because I promise you that our business is about building relationships and that will be a huge plus!
Awnya: And you won’t get thrown in Facebook jail which is an added bonus!
Crystal: Yes!
What is a quote that inspires you?
What is a book you’d say is a must read and why?
Crystal: Ok, so. I want to be honest with all of you. I have trouble getting into books. Books have to capture me and make me feel like I’m a part of the story. And the book that I have read is called “The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus.”
And this book is absolutely incredible. Even if you don’t have a team, I would highly recommend reading this because if kinda gives you the insights into why leaders do some of the things they do. And if you don’t own this book, I would 100% recommend that you get on and find it. It’s “The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus”.
It will walk you step by step on how your business like – making sure your team understands what’s going on. Why you’re doing what you’re doing. I cannot speak highly enough. It is available in softcover, digital e-book and audio book. So if you have trouble reading or if you just don’t find the time to read and you’re in your car a lot, the audio book would be really great as well.
Awnya: I’m so jumping on after this interview and getting it because that sounds amazing.
Crystal: It started from “Build a Wonderful Workshop”. It is actually Santa Claus talking in this book, yes, I know, Santa Claus. Then, it’s your commitment letter to Santa Claus at the end. And in between, “Choose Your Reindeer Wisely”, “Make a List and Check it Twice”, “Listen to the Elves”, “Get Beyond the Red Wagon”, and “Share the Milk and Cookies.”
You are going to find so much great information in this book and I will tell you this is a very short book. It’s like 90-something pages but not all of that is reading pages. There are checklists and each chapter has it.
So in Get Beyond the Red Wagon, at the end it says:
-Help everyone accept the reality of change
-Remember the Customer is really in charge.
-Teach the business of the business.
So the book has got so much in it.
Awnya: Good information! I’m excited!
Crystal: It’s a very quick read and I will tell you that this book was actually given to Elite before I was Elite. It was given to the Elite Leaders at one of their Elite Leadership Summits.
Awnya: There you go! That’s a little tidbit! If the Elite are reading it then it’s something that you want to get your hands on, right?
Crystal: Exactly, Exactly!
What is 1 thing you would challenge the listeners to do in the next 7 days to take action in their Paparazzi business?
Crystal: I would challenge all of you to find one thing that scares you the most and step out of your comfort zone and do that one thing. For a lot of my team, it’s live videos. And that is one thing I’m challenging my team too is doing a live video.
If it’s going up and talking to a random person, then go up and talk to a random stranger. Give them a piece of jewelry and a business card. It’s that simple. So find 1 thing that scares you the most that you need to do for your business and go out and do that!
Awnya: Oh, I’m excited to try this one. One of my favorite quotes recently is, “Fear means growth” from Grant Cardone, an author of several books. I was listening to one of his books the other day and when he said that, it hit me like a ton of brick.
When you are fearful of something when you have that fear of something new or something different or just something in general like live videos, that might be exactly what you need in your business.
Let’s do it Rock stars. Let’s show Crystal how we can take a challenge and excel at it!
Thanks again Crystal for coming to today’s show! I so appreciate your time! Thank you everybody else for listening in too!
Show Notes
Crystal Henson Nemeth: Paparazzi Jewelry Elite Leader – printable show transcript