Up Your Game [episode 079]

Warning. If you are wanting to listen to an episode of the podcast that is warm and fuzzy, a pat on the back or a gentle nudge in the right direction – please continue to the next episode.

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Warning. If you are wanting to listen to an episode of the podcast that is warm and fuzzy, a pat on the back or a gentle nudge in the right direction – please continue to the next episode.

This episode is more of a kick in the pants. An episode that while wrapped with all the love in my heart, might be more on the tough love side.

So if you think you are ready, keep listening cuz it’s about it get real.

How much do you want to be making every month? Seriously. Get a calculator and figure it out. Do you need $200 for a car payment? Or $900 for mortgage or rent? What is your number?

Now how many pieces of jewelry do you need to sell in order to make that? If you aren’t sure – take the $ you need to make and divide it by $2.25. Do you have your number?

So let’s say you need to have $200 a month. That would be 89 pieces of jewelry. That doesn’t sound like much at all – but here’s the kicker.

Do you have 89 pieces of jewelry in your inventory? Cuz, girl, you can’t sell jewelry you don’t have.

Now this is where the real talk comes in. We are a jewelry company. And you HAVE to have jewelry to SELL jewelry. It’s as simple as that. The more jewelry you have to sell, the more you will sell and the more you will make.

Do you need to Up Your Inventory game?

Let’s switch gears a little bit. How much time do you spend on your business each day? An hour? 20 minutes? Maybe you will see a day or 2 or even a few weeks go by when you aren’t working your business at all.

And then you wonder why your customers aren’t buying as much or as often. You wonder why you aren’t making a full time income in your business.

Real talk time – you aren’t going to make a full time income working fewer than part time hours. If you want your business to grow, to thrive, to replace your income or your husbands full time job, you have to work it full time.

Now I’m not talking about a 60 hour work week, but you should be putting in time EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Consistent actions bring consistent results. If you want to be paid like a full-time bling boss, it’s time to start putting in the hours like a full time bling boss.

Let’s look at this a different way. Athletes in professional sports. Who do you know that is a professional bench sitter? They have the talents, the drive, the ambition to be on the team, but they aren’t actually in the game.

No one comes to my mind? That’s because we know the players who are on the court – on the field – playing the game. THOSE are the players making the big bucks because they are making the big moves, the big plays. Fans come to see them and scouts want to recruit them.

They show up, they play hard and then they repeat day in and day out.

You won’t see a pro player taking a week off or cancel coming to the game at the last minute. A Pro player shows up. They train, practice, and play giving their all every day.

Are you showing up? Playing hard? Leaving it all on the field every single day?

Do you go Live regularly and stick to your schedule? Do your customers know they can depend on YOU to help them accessorize their looks? Does your name stand out as THEIR jewelry lady?

Do you need to Up your Selling game?

The last thing I want to chat about is being a leader. Whether you are leading a team of 1 or 1000 you need to be growing, developing yourself and your skills each and every day.

This is where I feel a lot of consultants fall flat. I have consultants talk to me all the time who have never talked to their sponsor. Or who have had their sponsor quit. They feel lost and alone.

First of all – if this is you – it’s time to step it up and be the leader you WISH you had. There is an endless supply of FREE training out there. You can search up almost any topic on YouTube and there will be a training for you.

You can search episodes of this podcast or search my website too. Or just google your question. There are SO many leaders out there publishing FREE content and training that you are welcome to use and learn from – you just have to look.

Second – Don’t let your team down. These ladies are looking to you as an example. Set up success habits now so that you can show them the way to also be a success in this business. So you can show them what it takes to succeed.

Third- whether you have an amazing leader or not, develop yourself every day. Read books. Attend Paparazzi trainings and events. Listen to people that motivate you and help you to dream higher, reach higher and push harder than before.

Set goals and challenges for yourself and your team. Be accessible to them to help train and help them as they grow their businesses too. As you do, people will start to naturally be drawn to you which will only help your business grow.

Do you need to Up Your Leadership Game?

Show Notes

Up Your Game – printable show notes

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