Today we get the pleasure of learning from an amazing leader who is a master of positivity and happiness. Rochelle Beachy is an amazing leader who practices what she preaches and who is adored by her team and the people who know her. Get ready to take some amazing notes in today’s Elite Interview.
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Let me tell you a little about Rochelle Beachy. She is happily married with a darling little baby girl that they just adopted. (She is completely adorable.) Rochelle has been in Paparazzi for 5 years. She has reached the rank of Maven A-lister which is completely amazing. She also hit Crown Club 50 and Life of the Party Platinum Access. She is a country girl with big, big dreams. Rochelle, did I leave anything out?
Rochelle: I think you’re good.
Awnya: Awesome. Well, let’s jump into the interview questions for today.
How did you get started with Paparazzi?
Rochelle: First of all, I’m very honored to be on this call and I totally love what I do so I am very passionate about it. I started once upon a time, it was a little bit over five years ago, as you mentioned. I actually saw a couple of adds on Facebook about this and at the time, I was with another direct sales company that definitely didn’t have as many amazing perks or as easy, I guess, because $5 jewelry, starting out at 45% commission, I was like blown away.
So I asked a ton of questions and ended up with one girl as my sponsor and it’s been quite the journey ever since.
Why do you do Paparazzi?
Rochelle: That’s a good question. So to begin with, we were pretty dirt poor when we were first married. And we had different debt and, you know, the financial stress, but I also…I’d waited long enough to get married and I wanted to be flexible. I wanted to have financial freedom but also time freedom.
So that’s why I was so drawn to direct sales. I had jumped in with another direct sales company before I joined Paparazzi just because that fact. If I’m passionate about something, I’ll tell people about it and I’ll sell it. And especially when it’s five dollar jewelry.
One of the biggest Why’s, of course, like I said, was financial freedom because we were living paycheck to paycheck bigtime. And also just time freedom. You know, I didn’t want to be tied to a 9-5 job. I wanted to be free to, you know, go on fun adventures with my husband whenever he could leave his job and things like that, you know.
I didn’t want to be tied down. I wanted to be about to do it according to my own schedule. My own time. So, to begin with, I wanted to make at least $1000-$2000 a month and I knew that if I could hit Producer that that would be amazing.
That was a big deal for me. It took me longer than some people but its ok. Everybody has their own journey. And my Why’s kept on changing since then. It keeps on growing. It’s been amazing. The financial freedom and everything that I’ve found. The time freedom. Of course, I get to work from home now as a stay at home mom which is freaking amazing.
I’ve always been a girl with big dreams. And Paparazzi is just – there’s no ceiling to it. There’s no ceiling to my paycheck. There is no ceiling to the possibilities. They’re endless, you know. And of course, I’ve had to hustle hard. I’ve had to work like crazy. Money does not fall from the trees into your lap.
Awnya: So just to reiterate. You wanted flexibility with your money and with your time and you knew that if you worked your business hard and not just sitting there, that you would be able to do that.
Now, you said that this was in the beginning – and a lot of the other leaders have said this as well, so I’m gonna ask a follow up question –
What has your why changed into now. Now that you are a Maven A-Lister with a team of a lot of people?
Rochelle: It just keeps on growing as I keep on seeing the possibilities, but one of the biggest things is – we have a goal for my husband to quit his full time job. He could do it right now, but he’s a pretty responsible young man and he works for my dad and his company. So I can’t wait. We have big goals.
But I would love to give back. You know, this is not just about me. And being able to bless and help other people is super exciting to me. You know, the whole adoption thing, it’s been a big thing for us. And thankfully for Paparazzi, we didn’t have to be stressed out about it financially. Which is huge. Huge, huge, huge.
Private adoptions are not el-cheep-o at all. We had one person who donated to help us with that, but other than that, you know, it was basically because of Paparazzi that we were able to fork out the money to cover that cost in a very short, short amount of time. A big chunk of that, you know.
My husband being able to join me in the business and being able to travel around the country and bless our team and just inspire other people. And bless other people where God says to go and where God says to give.
Awnya: I love hearing your faith in your business. And I know that’s a big part of what you do and who you are. And I love that you pull that into your business as well as just in your personal life.
Now, we are going to take just a little bit of a shift here. The people that are long time listeners are very familiar with this question, it’s one of my favorite questions. I’m gonna explain to the new listeners what this question is all about. We aren’t bad-mouthing Paparazzi – we would never in a million years say anything bad about Paparazzi. We want everybody listening to understand that people that are Maven A-listers or Producers or whoever, they have those bad moments in their Paparazzi business. Everything is not just sunshine and rainbows so this question is designed to give you guys a glimpse into the worst moment that these leaders have had and why they stuck it out. What kept them going. So, Rochelle,
Take us to that moment in time that was your worst moment in your Paparazzi business.
Rochelle: I had a couple different moments, you know. As you said, in any kind of business, especially when you’re a leader of thousands of people, you’re gonna face difficulties. You’re gonna face hard things. I’ve definitely had different haters you know different people who were bashing me in one form or another regardless of my good heart and how much I care and cheer on my team. There’s people that are going to take things wrong, you know. That can be very hard as a leader.
I remember once upon a time, I got prepared for this huge event. I’d asked a couple of times to make sure that no other Paparazzi rep was going to be there as well because, of course, that’s a rule in the company. And I had just recently moved to North Carolina from Kentucky. And I worked a lot, you know, getting my boards ready, getting ready ahead of time and actually hired somebody to help me, especially that day.
She was there to help me. We got up, well, I got up freakin early at least, I think she got up early as well. We got everything loaded and got to the event. I pretty much was set up and the coordinator comes around and says, “Oh, I’m sorry to tell you but there is another Paparazzi girl that’s here and you have to leave.”
And I was just like floored and blown away. I was really, really, really upset because I had put a lot of time and effort and money and everything else into it and I’d even checked with her a couple of times and I still had to leave.
So, anyway, it was very, very disappointing. I remember being very upset. Of course, I eventually got over it and just decided to rock it. You always have to push through those moments or you aren’t going to get anywhere in your business.
Awnya: Oh, absolutely. Now, what is the take away?
What do you want us to learn from this moment?
Rochelle: Regardless of how good you plan, regardless of how good your intentions are with your business, you’re dealing with humans. Humans make mistakes and it can totally rock your world sometimes but you just have to be willing to have bigger goals and bigger dreams than that.
And just as a kid that is trying to learn to walk, we all have those times in our business where it feels like it was just a big flop, you know. And we feel like a big, fat failure. But, you know, you’ve got to be willing to get up again and keep walking even though it feels like you keep falling over and over again. As long as you’re trying, success will happen. You just have to be determined.
Awnya: And a lot of times, at least for me, keeping your eye on that big picture and not just that moment of failure. Like, it’s easy to be like “I’ve failed in this moment. I’m done.” But if you have your eye on that big picture, then your like, “ok, this is a little bitty bump. Just keep on rollin, keep on going” and that’s where those goals come into place and where they are so important. I love that! Thank you for sharing. Rochelle,
What is a habit you have that you feel contributes to your success?
Rochelle: Well, number one thing, a habit, I guess you’d call it a habit…is just keeping positive no matter what gets thrown at me.
As a leader, and this has been over 5 years, I’ve had multiple hard things that I’ve gone through. Different drama. Probably some of the drama stuff has been even harder sometimes than an event or that sort of thing. I can’t go into all that kind of stuff but there’s just multiple things that you’re going to face. And just keeping it positive and choosing – even though I might have my moment of being upset or being disappointed or just like, “Oh, what’s the use?!” and you just feel like giving up.
I am a big picture kind of girl. I’m all about big dreams. Big plans. I sometime have a hard time with actually being organized for the here and now. I’m not the best organized person on planet earth. I’m not the type where, “I do these 5 steps every day and that’s why I’m successful.” I’m pretty much a hot mess.
So, if I can do this, that’s why I say other people can do it too. I’ve just been a big dreamer and been super determined and I’ve never given up.
Awnya: I love how you said that being positive and dreaming big. And if you guys have ever seen Rochelle at convention or anywhere, she’s just always smiling. On Facebook, always smiling. She completely lives being positive.
What advice would you give to a brand new Paparazzi consultant, just getting started in their Paparazzi business?
Rochelle: Jump in. Jump in and don’t look back. Just take that leap of faith, be willing to step outside of their comfort zone and just keep doing it over and over and over and over again. And don’t worry about the naysayers. Don’t worry about what other people are saying. You focus on you. You do you. And you follow your heart and hustle hard.
I know that’s not just one thing, but that’s a few things that I would definitely share is just to jump in, don’t allow fear to hold you back. And just go for it.
Awnya: I also love how you said, “You do you. “ Because I can’t do Rochelle and you can’t do Awnya. It wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t ring true to our followers and our customers. Like, you gotta do you and follow your heart. That’s huge!
Rochelle: Absolutely. I definitely believe in being yourself and being real and being vulnerable with who you are. And, I don’t have to be you, like you said. And you don’t have to be me. We all have our strengths. We all have our weaknesses and we can learn from each other. I you’re coachable, if you’re teachable, you can go far. But trying to be someone else, you are going to get disappointed over and over again because you’re not that person.
Awnya: Oh, Absolutely! Did you guys all hear that? That was like a truth bomb exploding. Value bomb right there.
If you could suggest 1 thing to a consultant who was feeling completely stuck in their Paparazzi business, what would you tell them?
I think for me, you know, I’ve had those moments where I hit a wall and I’m like, “I can’t add anyone to my team,” or “What’s my deal here. I’m not selling as much.” Yada, yada. I think you just have to jump in there and hustle even harder than before.
You can’t allow it to discourage you. I mean, it’s easy to have a rough day. We’re all human. Have your few little moments. You know, eat your cheesecake or whatever. But just don’t allow it to make you quit in any kind of form or fashion. Allow it to make you stronger and just more determined.
So basically, when that’s happened to me, I’ve just had to hustle harder. Follow people who were successful. Try to see what they’re doing. Now, am I doing to do it exactly like them? No. But that’s okay. I can learn tips and tricks on how to do it better.
You know, maybe just follow some motivational people. Maybe watch some YouTube videos. Try something new. Get out of your comfort again.
Awnya: It’s amazing how much we come back to that. Get out of your comfort zone. Get out of your comfort zone. Stay true to who you are but you gotta push yourself a little bit harder cuz otherwise things aren’t going to change. You’re gonna stay right where you are.
Rochelle: Absolutely.
What is a quote that inspires you?
Rochelle: My team name is the Paparazzi Princesses Team and I like to say
Now, whether you’re on my team or not, you can rock that.
Like we talked about earlier, you do you. Don’t allow the Naysayers to pull your head down and be looking at the ground and make your crown fall off that way. Or turn your nose up in the air and be like, “Oh, I’m better than everybody else,” and have her crown fall off backwards or whatever.
Just rock yourself confidently.
Awnya: Oh I love that.
What is a book you’d say is a must read and why?
Rochelle: There was a really good one recently that I read that is called Go Giver.
Awnya: By Bob Burg. Great book. Why do you say that that’s a must read.
Rochelle: Just because I think in your business, I think one person that’s really really good and really inspired me – I’m just gonna put a name out there – is Robin Frank. To me, she is one of the most generous, kind, selfless kind of people that I’ve ever met. I learned so much from her that…as a leader, the more you give, the more your business is going to bloom and blossom. This book really talks a lot about that. And it talks a lot about how, you have to be ready to give and receive love and just live from a generous heart.
And when you are seeing how you can bless your team and bless your customers and bless people and you’re not necessarily just focused on “Oh, I wanna just make 50 million dollars” or whatever. All of a sudden, the money will come to you and the blessings will come to you and all of that too.
It’s just, as you give, you will receive.
Awnya: That is one of my favorite books too, so I’m totally going to second your recommendation. It’s a great one.
Now, we are down to the last question, but I think it’s the most difficult questions. Here on the PapaRockStars podcast, we like to do a weekly call challenge.
What is one think you would challenge the listeners to do in the next week to take action in their Paparazzi business?
Rochelle: The number one thing, of course, is to hustle. And people are like “well, what does that mean. Well, one thing that has helped me explode this year – Helped me hit Life of the Party Platinum and I’m on to hopefully hitting Life of the Party Diamond this next year – that’s my goal. And has also helped my team and is helping me add new consultants and just all of that – helped me grow like crazy- is going Live on Facebook.
So I would dare you all, if you are not going live already… I mean, I used to be freaked out about going live too and taking selfies. And just all of that. And I understand all of that. I had to get outside of my comfort zone time and time again.
And I still do. Get consistent. Whether you’re going live on your regular timeline or your business page – I recommend those 2 above a group. Go live at least twice a week. Be consistent.
Because your customers need to see that you are legit. Too legit to quit. They need to see that you’re like a normal boutique that they can depend on. And they need to know what hours you’re basically open.
And when you go live consistently like that, it can just really help your business explode. Right now, I highly recommend that.
That would be my big tip of the day. I learned it from other people and I started implementing it and it worked. And it’s working for my team and it’s just really helping everything explode right now.
So go live twice a week either on your timeline or on a business page.
Awnya: There we go ladies. #challengeaccepted, right?
Show Notes
Rochelle Beachy: Paparazzi Jewelry Elite Leader – printable show transcripts