How to get more Sales in Your Paparazzi Jewelry business [episode 078]

Are you wondering what you can do to increase your sales in your Paparazzi business?  Today, we are gonna chat about how to do just that on Facebook and social media!

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Have you ever asked a kid to clean their room?  Some kids will go right away and clean their room, make their bed, vacuum and even wash their windows.  MOST kids, however, will find something else to do really quickly.  It usually takes 2 or 3 times AT LEAST of asking my kids to get them to make that LONG trek up the stairs to get their room tidy.

So why is it that we think that posting ONE time on Facebook or social media is going to result in thousands of dollars in sales?  Truth is, it takes constant, persistent exposure and reminders that you are around for people to claim and purchase items or to join your team.

Truth is, it usually takes about 10 DIFFERENT exposures to a company, idea or product before people are ready to pay attention.  TEN.  Most people give up right around the 6th time.  They are only missing out by just a few more tries!

Truth is, Facebook is a fickle beast.  The algorithm keeps people up at night.  Trying to figure out how and when to post.  But no matter how good you get at posting during high traffic times, there will NEVER be a time when you will reach 100% of your friends or group members.  Maybe their kid’s soccer game went late.  Maybe their mom called.  Maybe they got delayed in traffic.  Or maybe there was just a really good show on TV that they decided to watch instead of being on Facebook.

It’s just life.  Things have changed a lot the last few years with social media.  It is an AMAZING way to show and sell jewelry to customers ALL over the country – but first, they have to SEE it!

So let’s talk about ways you can get more exposure for your jewelry.  This will increase your sales and increase your biz!

For the rest of this training, I’m going to call these “touch points” because they are possible ways to reach out and been seen by your friends and group members.

First, let’s talk about VARIETY.

When you are posting on your personal wall, be sure to have a good mix of personal and biz.  Pictures of your kids playing on the playground and then of your pile of orders ready to be picked up and then a post about your party tonight and then another about your date night with your hubby.  Keep it casual.  Keep it non-spammy.  You want your audience engaged and enjoying your feed so that they are more likely to interact with it.  They more they comment and like your posts, the more RELEVANT Facebook with think your posts are.  The more relevant, the more it will SHOW your posts to your friends and family.

It’s almost like FB is saying “Well, if you liked the last 3 posts that Julie did, then I’m sure you will like this one too!”.  So the more you can get your friends and family commenting and liking your posts, the better chance you have that your posts will be shown to them.  Ask questions.  Ask for advice.  Play a game like This or That.  Have them help you accessorize an outfit.  The more they interact with your posts, the better!

I’m sure some of you are concerned about posting pics of your kids mixed in with your business posts.  Just change your settings.  Set your Biz related posts to be on “Public” and then you can choose the pics of your kids to be on “friends only” or even choose a friend group that only can see them.  This helps protect those cute kiddos and will help you separate your Biz and personal life without having to have separate profiles.

Now, let’s talk about your groups.  Groups are a great place to “gather” your customers and shoppers into one place.  They are extremely effective in selling jewelry because FB assumes that your group members WANT to be there.  If they didn’t, they would leave the group.    But just like your personal timeline, you need that INTERACTION.  You want them commenting, liking and reacting to your posts as much as possible so that you are seen as relevant.

You can encourage them to comment on pictures of jewelry they like without claiming, post games and contests.  Some consultants do an Outfit of the Day or Wear it Wednesday post where customers can post pictures of themselves wearing the jewelry too.  There are so many ways to keep interaction UP so that your customers see more of the posts you make in your group.  Check out our image archives at for some fun games and interactive posts to get you started.

Ok, now let’s talk Touch Points.

If you post an album of items for sale, what are the odds that your group members are going to all come shop it?  Clean you out?  Not very likely.  Just like the example earlier with the kids and cleaning their room, you need to “tell” them multiple times that there are amazing pieces for sale.  Both so that you can make sure that FB is actually showing it to them and to try to catch them when they are online.

Posting an album ONE time isn’t going to do this.  And then leaving that album up in your group for weeks and months, isn’t going to do you much good either.  That is ONE touch points.  You need a lot more than one!

You can post individual pictures to your group.  Be sure to only post about 20 a day so you stay under the spam radar and be sure to type in different descriptions for each as well.  You could post necklaces one day and bracelets another.  You could do all Blue Tuesday and Purple Wednesday.  You could do a LIVE box opening and then post sets on Fridays.  Post stock photos one day and then take pictures yourself the next.  Or pic 5 or 10 pieces a day to highlight and post those.

My favorite lately is my 11 at 11.  I post 11 pictures of jewelry at 11am my time.  Sometimes I sell a piece or 2 and sometimes I don’t.  But almost always – it reminds my customers that I’m here and rockin my business and they come over to my group to see what else I’ve posted lately.  I like to post 11 pieces cuz that’s also 11 different pieces that I could sell.  I’ve seen other consultants post 1 “Piece of the day” but what happens if that sells?  Sure, you’ve sold 1 more piece than you had before that post, but that’s only $5 in your pocket when if you posted MORE items, you could SELL more too!

See what I’m saying?  You can’t just post a piece 1 time and then just cross your fingers and hope that it sells.  Post it.  If it doesn’t sell, take it down and post it another way.  And if that doesn’t work, try it again.  And again and again.  I post some pieces week after week after week and they are still in my albums.  Then, just as I think I will be holding onto this piece until the end of time- someone claims it and suddenly 2 or 3 other people want that exact same piece.

It happens ALL the time!  Your perfect buyer was probably just not online.  Or maybe she was waiting for payday.  Or maybe she hadn’t just bought the PERFECT top or dress or purse to match that piece. Or maybe she hadn’t even met you yet!!  You should be meeting new customers all the time and having them join your shopping group or follow you on Facebook.  THEY haven’t seen what you have in stock.  To them, it’s ALL new!!

In my sales group, I post individual pieces almost every day of the week.  I try to do a joke or a game every day, My 11 at 11 post and then sometimes a thought or a pic of my kiddos.  Then I do 3 lives sales a week and an album sale.  You see – multiple touch points.

Another great way to create multiple touch points is to delete and reload your albums.  I do this at least once a week.  Let’s get a little techy again.  Facebook notifies your groupies ONE time when you post an album.  Once.  If you add more pictures to the album, does it notify them again?  Nope.  If you update the album by deleting the items that have sold, do they get notified again.  Nope.  Once you’ve posted it that one time, FB is done telling people about it.  So it *may* show up in their feed for a day and if they come over to your group, they *might* be able to find it if the scroll through.

But do you want to base your business on a might or a maybe?  NO WAY!  You gotta take control.  Give them more touch points.  The way to do this with album is to delete and reload.  I’m not saying to do this every day cuz that might be seen as spammy.  But you DO need to change it up.  I change my albums every week.  One week I load them by style, the next week by color.  Changing things up.

Another bonus to deleting and reloading your albums is it creates a sense of urgency.  If you let your customers know albums are coming down on Tuesdays – and you remind them on a Sunday and/or Monday – they are more likely to stop and shop before you take them down.  Maybe they have a Birthday party coming up they need to be sure to get a necklace for.  Maybe they are worried they will miss out on something if they don’t shop now.  Either way – they are shopping!

Leaving up albums all the time creates no urgency.  Let’s look at it this way – Black Friday shopping – do they have specials like that all day every day?  Nope.  Just once a year.  Because if they offer those sales every single day, do you think people would stay up for days or stand in line in the freezing cold to save a few bucks?  Not likely because they could sleep in,  have an amazing breakfast, chill with their friends or family and STILL get those killer deals.  It would loose it’s appeal.

My favorite grocery store has sales every week, but if I want to grab that milk and grapes that are on sale THIS week, I know I have to go before Tuesday at midnight or it might not be on sale next week.  – See, urgency.

So clear out your albums.  No one is seeing them anymore anyways.  Then load them up again.  Facebook will notify your groupies that you just loaded an album up with pictures and BAM – another touch point.  Trust me – it’s worth the time and the little extra effort to boost those sales!

Be YOU! 

The last most important part of increasing your Paparazzi Jewelry sales is to be YOU!!  There is NO ONE out there in this big ol’ world who is just like you.  YOU are AMAZING!!  I’ve seen consultants dress up, sing songs, tell cheesy jokes, do movie trivia, play bingo.  I’ve also seen consultants give out genuine compliments to every live viewer and make them feel so LOVED.  Some consultants are all business and others are putting on a show.

Whoever you are – let that brilliant, awesome, unique personality shine through.  Your customers come back again and again because of YOU.  You are the customers personal shopper.  THEIR jewelry lady!  And the more you can build that personal connection with your customers, the more loyal they will be to you!

The absolute worst thing you can do is to try to be someone else. For example, on my live shows, I get a little silly.  I like to crack silly jokes and laugh with my customers.  I share stories about my kids, my husband and my life and sometimes I even make some silly faces (for an example, visit the website or download the show notes page).

My customers, the ones who have gotten to know me and tun in again and again, they know that I get kinda silly.  They expect me to make glasses out of the earrings I’m holding up or tell the cheesiest jokes they’ve ever heard.  That’s who I am.  If I were to switch that up and start acting like someone else – they would feel that something was off.  They would know something was off.

So do you.  Be the BEST You that you can be!!  When you let who you are shine through your customers will LOVE it.

So now, it’s time to come up with a plan that will work for YOU.  When and how are you going to post?  How are you going to increase the touch points for your customers? And what can you do to bring more of yourself into your biz?  The answers to these questions hold the key to growing your sales and your business.

Show Notes

How to get more Sales in your Paparazzi Jewelry Business – printable show notes

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