So you have this amazing Paparazzi business, now what? How and where can you market your new business? Let’s talk about that in today’s episode!
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Marketing your Paparazzi business can be fun and exciting. There are a lot of different ways that you can promote your business and put yourself out there for people to find, and the more you are out there, the more likely that people will find you!
First, let’s talk about the rules in Policy and Procedures so that you don’t get into hot water.
1- If you use the Paparazzi logo, it MUST have the words “independent consultant” underneath. Do not use the crown by itself either.
2- If you want to use Paparazzi in your business name, be sure to say “Paparazzi by Susan” or “Julie’s Paparazzi Accessories business”. This differentiates you from Paparazzi corporate and is a must for your business name.
3- You can promote your business on yard-sale type sites, but selling of individual pieces or sets is a no no. Be sure to read the policies of the group or website before promoting yourself and follow their rules too.
4- Be sure to read through the Paparazzi Policies and Procedures just to make sure you are following the rules
Ok, now that we have all that out of the way, let’s chat about how you can market your Paparazzi Jewelry business!
On Facebook – share pieces that you just ordered, play games and do things like “Wear It Wednesday”. Be careful to not be overly spammy, but rather to just share things you are excited about.
In groups and on pages – I have several training about how to market your business on both of these places, so be sure to check those out.
Around your town – visit places, talk to people and ask people who they know. Let’s break this down because there is a LOT of info in that sentence.
Visit places – there are 2 ways this can work for your business. First, be out and about. Go to the bank, go to the grocery store, visit the post office – and WEAR the JEWELRY! This is one of the BEST ways to advertise your business is to SHOW people how awesome the pieces are by wearing them!
Second- go talk to local businesses that may compliment our business. Places like nail salons, beauty shops and similar places are all prime spots to see if they would show and sell your jewelry to their customers. Its a great deal for them and you and a fun way to find new customers!
Talk to people – you can talk to people while you are visiting people, while you are standing in line at the bank or grocery store or even just call someone on the phone who you’ve been thinking about. Any of these are a great way to just make a connection with people.
Ask people who they know. Maybe you have a cousin who knows someone who owns a salon, or maybe a friend of a friend is looking for a way to make money in her spare time! You never know! Ask your friends to share you posts or LIVE videos so that you can meet new people and be “introduced” to new customers!
Participate in raffle drawings or silent auctions – make up a basket with a Fashion Fix set or a few blockbuster pieces of jewelry and be sure to include a few business cards. This is a great way to get involved in the community and help others at the same time. Be sure you include a few extra cards the organizer can put on the table near your donation in case others want to get some jewelry too!
Network- go networking events in you area. Toastmasters, Chamber of Commerce events and Play groups are a fun way to meet new people and let them know about what you do!
Events – Talk to other vendors at shows or events. This is a great way to build a community! Some of my best customers and friends are people I met at events! A few have even joined my team!
Online – social media sites like Twitter, Pinterest, Periscope and Instagram are all great places to find new customers and market your business online. Be sure to find a happy balance between sharing and selling so that you don’t turn people off the first time they find ya.
For more ideas and places that you can market your business, join the list below to get notified of new episodes of the podcast and get 100+ Places to Market Your Paparazzi Jewelry Business delivered to your email.
Show Challenge:
Find 3 places to market your business and make up a plan for the next 7 days as to how you will do it!!
Show Notes
Marketing Your Paparazzi Jewelry Business – printable show notes