Today, we have Elite Leader Krystal Glenn with us. She is an amazing inspiration and has some great words or experience to share with us. Krystal is truly a rags to riches story! Keep listening for all an amazing interview!
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Let me tell you a little bit about Krystal. Krystal is a mom to two kids ages 3 and 7 and they are adorable. Watch out – heartbreakers. She loves the positivity the Paparazzi has brought into her life because she feels like she’s creating a life she didn’t have growing up, for her kids and she loves that. She’s been with Paparazzi for two and a half years and lives in St. Charles, Missouri. She says she’s just a regular person, a fiancé and a mom. Now 10 months after joining Paparazzi Krystal was able to retire from her jobs and just two weeks ago she was able to retire her fiancé, Ash, as well. So exciting!
Crystal is an A-Lister with Paparazzi and they’re on track to get Maven A-lister this month. She is Life of the Party Silver but hitting gold here in the next couple of days. And she’s reached Crown Club 10. Krystal, did I leave anything out?
Krystal: I don’t think so. You’re good.
Awnya: Awesome. Well let’s step into the questions.
How did you get started with Paparazzi?
Krystal: Long story short, I was a single mom working four jobs living in my mom’s basement after my husband and I separated. Yeah, the four jobs weren’t cutting it. I hardly got to see my kids. A friend from high school had joined Paparazzi and she invited me to a party. Then I’m like, “OK jewelry. It’s five dollars.” I thought it would kinda be crap. You know it’s just, it’s five dollars, you know. But to support her- I always try to support the people that invite me to their parties and stuff. So I bought a couple pieces and my mom bought some. I got them and I was kind of like blown away by it. And she kept telling me, she’s like, “you have the personality to do this. You need to do it. You need to do it. I want you on my team. What do I have to do to get you on my team?” And like – pounded me.
And this was in October that she kept asking, kept asking. And I’m like, “No. I’m working four jobs now. I barely make ends meet. I can barely pay my phone bell. I can’t spend 99 dollars on a kit. I just can’t do it. So she talked me into doing a kid earning party. This was December it was two weeks before Christmas. I just prayed about it and, you know, the Holy Spirit came and said, “You know I got you. This is where you need to go.”
And so I kind of took a leap of faith and I’m like, “You know, forget that party. I’m just going to go ahead and get the 99 dollar kit. It’s all I can afford right now. You know I’ll just do it.” I was not done Christmas shopping for my kids. My cell phone bill was late but, you know, just do it.
So you know we all get those pictures of the jewelry that’s coming in our kit. And I posted them on Facebook like, “oh I’m getting ready to start this and really excited about it.” I sold the majority of my kit before my kit even arrives to my house like I did a preorder, I guess, on it. And those last two weeks of December I sold over 700 dollar’s worth of jewelry. So even then I’m like, “OK yeah. All right. This is a cool little side hustle. You know, I’m still working my other jobs and everything.”
It took, Miss Marilyn, we all know her. It took her telling me that, you know, I’m skipping over a whole lot of parts but otherwise we’ll be on here for a while. But her telling me you, know you, need to come to convention. And I’m like, “Lady you are crazy. I don’t have a car right now. Single mom like in my mom’s basement. Like no, I can’t do that.”
And again, you know, I got the feeling, “you need to do this”. So I was blessed with a couple events that kind of just fell in my lap and I did those and made enough money to go to convention.
That first year when I met that amazing Awnya. And I had to bring my- he was a little over a year, my little Honey-Nugget with me, and I baby-wore the whole time.
And I just thought Awnya was the coolest thing because – one she’s just very… What’s the word that I’m looking for? I don’t know. Like, y’all know her. Like she’s – she’s cool. She looks cool. She’s like – here’s a beautiful baby her husband’s there. And I’m like, “If she can do this with her kid, I can.” You know? I felt awful that I had to bring my kid and I thought people- people were and look at me funny. And no here she is…Our Kids played and that kind of how I met Awnya and everything.
And I’m like, “OK.” So I did that and I I just get completely fired up. We came back from convention I double ranked. And then, “You need your job.” That’s what I was being told. And I’m, again… “How am I supposed to quit my job? I had a van that was falling apart at that point. And again, you know the whole spirit is very funny in the way that I just kept getting little signs.
So I did. I put in like two weeks and my boss told me, “I know that Paparazzi has become your passion. You’re fine. You can go ahead and go. And I’m like, “What? I don’t have to wait my two weeks or anything?” And so, you know, I quit. And it just only went up from there. I mean, within two months of quitting my job, we had hit Producer and it’s just, it’s skyrocketed. I’m the person that never wanted a team. I just wanted it for the discount and be able to help my friends.
And people just came out of the woodwork. They said, “Well we want a little bit of what you have.” And that’s just kind of how it went. I went from having a broken down van to we just bought two brand new 2018 cars last week. Insane!
The opportunity that is laid here on a silver platter for everybody. I guess that’s how I started, I guess. I probably told way more than I needed to.
Awnya: No, I think that’s perfect. It helps get a feel for who you are and get to know you a little better so that’s perfect. Now, what is your why?
Why do you do Paparazzi?
Krystal: I didn’t come from money. I mean, my parents, growing up and having the electric turned off or, you know, having to take cold showers cuz the hot water was turned off. That was something normal for us. You know, there was always food on the table and stuff like that. But utilities and cars being repoed and stuff, that was just something that was normal for me. And after I was a stay at home mom and my husband decided he didn’t want a family anymore so I was homeless with my oldest for a little bit. Luckily he was little old enough to not remember any of that. But living in a hotel is definitely not a fun thing with a kid. So I always told myself I am never going to have to live paycheck to paycheck. I will do whatever I have to do to make sure I don’t have to be getting payday loans that my cars aren’t going to be repoed and my home getting taken away from me. I didn’t want to be in that spot. It’s crazy how fast Paparazzi has made that possible.
You know, everybody says you live your dream life and you think that’s so cliché and ridiculous but it is so true. Going an hour away to the lake was a huge vacation for us growing. And it’s like, we decided to take the kids to Disney for Christmas. We’re going to Orange Beach next weekend. It’s just… And I don’t say that you braggadocios or “OOOH look at me.” cuz that is far from the way I am. But it is nice to be able because of the silly box. This five dollar jewelry. It can really give you these opportunities to be able to do whatever you want to be able to bless other people. And it’s amazing I could go off on a tangent for that, but I won’t.
Awnya: So I like how you said, in the beginning it was just a way to not live paycheck to paycheck. But what has not changed into now? Now that you’re almost a Maven A-lister and you have this huge team what has kind of your why morphed into?
Krystal: I guess in the back of my head is still the – I want my kids to have that life. I want them to have whatever they need and not to spoil them to the fact where they’re like a spoiled brat. But just to allow them to grow and, “You want to play soccer? OK. Well that doesn’t work out. You don’t like it? OK. We’ll try something different.” But more now, I enjoy the fact that I can bless other people and not have to worry about if I pay for this person’s dinner or am I going to be able to put gas in my car kind of deal.
You know my fiancé and I are a big believer in sharing our wealth with others and being able to bless other people because I feel like we live in such a negative world right now and there’s so much negativity surrounding you. That even if it’s just the person in the Starbucks line behind us. “Hey I’m going to get the next two cars.” Just to be able to put a little bit of happy in somebody’s life no matter – it could be big or small. I love the fact that we’re able to do that now.
Awnya: I love that phrase “put happy in someone else’s life.”.
Krystal: There’s so much ugly on the world. You know, be the smiling face that you haven’t seen all day long. Or, you know, give you a compliment when you’ve been talked down to all day long at your job or something, you know?
Awnya: And just those little things make a huge difference to people. And sometimes you don’t even know the extent of that. But I love that you’re spreading that happiness all around you.
Krystal: I’m trying.
Awnya: Now we’re going to take a little bit of a shift here for the first time listeners. This is going to be Krystal’s the worst Paparazzi moment. This was the moment with her Paparazzi business where she was like, “oh my gosh. Could it get any worse from here?” And Krystal had to make a choice whether to push forward or just quit. We know from where she’s is at now that she definitely did not quit. So Krystal,
Take us to that moment in time that was like your first Paparazzi moment.
Krystal: I could probably think of 2. But the one, I was really, really excited. I loved doing events. I love love love love events. Live show are awesome, but I love doing events that meet new people.
And it was 4th July. And it is actually an event that I did with my sponsors. It was her dream to be able to do this four day event but she didn’t have the inventory to do it. So we kind of pitched in because it was really pricey at the time. I was, I think, a director at that time. So a couple of hundred dollars for an event was a lot. And we split it and it was a four day event.
You know, we were projected to have over 200,000 people at this event over the course of the four days then we were all hyped up. We had spent so much money perfecting our displays. We bought tents. We did everything, the whole nine yards. The biggest event I’ve ever done. And it rained all four days. It poured. All four days. My sitter fell through so I had my kids with me out in the rain. And it was just, it was terrible. I know that I probably didn’t even make 150 – 200 dollars with the sales. Awful, awful. And I felt like, “You know what, let’s just pack up and go. There is no point even being here. Nobody’s buying.” They’re just buying food and riding in the rides in the rain. Like, there’s no point in being here.”
We did have like two or three people that came in and shopped. One of them actually signed up underneath me. So had I packed up and left that lady – which, she only bought one piece. It wasn’t like she bought a ton of and, “Oh I’m going to join you.”
Didn’t even mention joining. She bought one piece. She watched some of my live sales after that, and then randomly call me, which is weird too. I normally don’t answer phone calls with the phone number I don’t recognize and I answered it. And she’s like, “Hey. This is Michelle. I don’t know if you remember meeting me but I bought the one pearl necklace.” And I had no clue at that point who it was. She’s like, “I bought a pearl necklace at your event back in July and we were sopping wet in the rain.” I’m like, “Oh yeah!” And she’s like, “I kind of want to meet up for lunch and talk about joining.”
And I was flabbergasted. You know, it was a terrible event. My kids, they were stuck under a little bitty tent in the rain so they weren’t too happy. They were crabby and just messing with everything and to have her do that. It was crazy. You know, I could have packed up and left just been like, “you know what, thrown in the towel I’m done.” And then that came out of it.
Awnya: So Krystal,
What is the lesson you want us to learn from your worst Paparazzi moment?
Krystal: To not throw in the house so easily and I’m not talking just events here. I know that I have girls below me that are in my downline, you know, they’ll have a bad live or they’ll have an event bombs, you know. They get so hyped up about this event and then it bombs. And I’ve had a few of them on the towel and be done. Like, “No I’m done with Paparazzi. I’m not doing this anymore.”
Do you know how many times I could have given up? There’s so many, so many things that, you know. I had almost my entire inventory stolen from me. I’ve had family members stop talking to me because I had an event and wasn’t able to go to their kid’s birthday party. Like, so many times I could have just, “You know what. Nope. I’m done. Cut it off. I’m done.”
NOT giving up is a huge thing, which I think that maybe one of your questions that come is coming but definitely don’t throw in the towel so easily give it more than one, two, three tries, you know.
Awnya: I just want to highlight what you just said there. More than one two or even three tries. Just keep pushing forward until you find that success because it’s gotta come especially if you keep striking out. Like, that is just one step closer to that success rate, right??
Krystal: Right.
Awnya: Krystal,
What is a habit you have that contribute to your success?
Krystal: I used to be really bad about being consistent. And I always preach to my team, like, the more consistent you are, the more success you will have. I think those two really go hand in hand. That means being consistently talking to your team, stay in contact with them. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my business once I was able to consistently start buying because the more you buy, the more apt you are to sell. Because if you have boxes upon boxes of inventory, you’re like, “Well, I need to make that money back.” You know, it kind of pushes you to, “No, I have to go live three or four times a week to sell this stuff. I have to get the product moving.”
And definitely consistently meeting with your team and not necessarily if you can’t – you know, I’ve got people all over the country. You can’t meet physically but FaceTimeing or doing a phone call like this or it’s, you know, an audio training or Facebook live training. But consistency is definitely a big, big thing for me. Even if it’s- you can’t do a two hour live. Doing Flash Sales. I don’t know how many of y’all actually know me, but, I mean, I’ve done flash sales in the car. On our way EMP in Springfield, I did a flash sale made a couple of hundred dollars and the car showing earrings, you know. We were on vacation. I went live from the beach did a flash sale there. You know, 15, 20, 30 minute live can bring you in a bunch of money.
And that can be your consistency. If you work a full time job and you’re not able to do lives every night – on your lunch break do a ten minute live event. I feel like there’s never a wasted opportunity. Some people will do lies and like, “oh no one’s on here right now.” Doesn’t matter because there’s a replay. You know, people are going to watch that replay and you can get sales that way. You’re always planting those little Paparazzi seeds. You know, and they always grow. They don’t sit there fruitless.
Awnya: Absolutely. I’m going to highlight a couple things that you just said that really stuck out to me -that you’re planting those Paparazzi seeds because you never know who is watching you. And that could be a current team member who’s considering quitting or considering taking it to the next level.
Or it could be somebody like that girl at your event who is just kind of watching you and waiting for that success and has never even said one word to you about Paparazzi. But she’s watching. You never know who that is and then – That a live is never a wasted opportunity. That people that are looking for those Paparazzi successes that are watching you are going to watch you going live or your team is going to watch you going live. So even if you’re not out there selling a million pieces a live, your team is seeing that you’re going live and that you’re leading from the front and then they’re going to go live. And maybe they’re the person that’s going to sell a million dollars in a live. I think both of those things are just value-bombs. Thank you.
Krystal: You’re welcome.
Awnya: Now, Krystal,
What advice would you give to a brand new Paparazzi consultant just getting started in their business?
Krystal: I touched on this earlier and you did too about that never giving up, you know. I mean I have that quote all over my house because it’s so easy to find the negative or, “Oh, I didn’t get any sales.” Or, you know, “Oh I gave that shop or my business card and never heard back from her.” Or, “I did and event and it was terrible.”
One, it shows your team, it shows your family, it shows your kids that persistence pays off. You know, I always said that things happen in God’s time. Though it may not happen right away. You may want that five- hundred dollar sale right now.
Maybe that’s not God’s plan for you. Maybe, you know, a day or two a week or two a month or a year or two, you’ll get that big sale that you’re looking for. But yeah. Never Giving up. That’s definitely something that I kept with me from when I started.
Awnya: The gem that I just pulled out of there is negative is easy. It’s so easy to give up is so easy to be negative. Being positive and working and pushing past is the hard part. And that is why so few people find the success that they want and so few people hit the top of Paparazzi. I mean, they say that the Elite are the 1 percent of Paparazzi. And it’s so true, because those are the people that hit those bumps and they hit those hard times and then they pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and keep going. And that’s how you’ve gotten where you are. So I love that advice for a new consultant. So now,
If you could suggest one thing to a consultant who is feeling like stuck in their business what would you tell them to do?
I tell my girls to get out of your comfort zone. If you go live every Friday night. And that’s you know that’s so and it works if only you can do something a little different. Maybe a themed live or something like that. Doing something a little bit different. It’s easy for us to get into our groove and just keep plugging away. Nothing good happens in your comfort zone. It’s going to get a little uncomfortable, a little like, “Oh, God. Should I do this?” that the magic happens. You don’t want to do the easy way.
Awnya: I think it is perfect. You said. “Do Different.” I like that because if you’re doing the same ol’ same ol’, you’re going to get the same result. Same actions equal same results. If you want something different you have to do something different. So I’m not actually going to put that on my wall – Do Different. Krystal,
What is the quote that inspires you?
A Lot of times we kind of look for validation. You have to be happy with you. You have to believe that you can make everything possible, because we can. You know, I said (I think this anyways at the beginning), we’re all given the same opportunity on a silver platter. We’re all given the same box of jewelry. The same platform. Everything. It’s just, what are you going to do to become successful?
Awnya: You know there’s a story that stands out to me that I heard the other day and it was -I believe it’s the four minute mile. Everybody, for years said it was impossible. That it would never be achieved. It could never happen because nobody could ever get close to it. And it took one person believing that they could do it, practicing, striving, and achieving and then he crushed that record. And then all of these other people started coming out, once he had achieved that and they started hitting that four minute mile too.
So even if somebody says something is impossible it’s not impossible – it just hasn’t been done yet. Just means that it hasn’t happened yet. It doesn’t mean that it could never happen.
Krystal: And it’s so fun when someone calls you, “Oh yeah. Good luck with that.” or “You’re never going to do that.” I’d be like, “Bam! Look what I did.” So many people looked at me kind of crazy when I said, “Yeah, I’m quitting my job.” And look at where we’re at now, you know. You can do everything. You’ve got power within you. You just gotta pick it up and run with it.
Awnya: Perfect. Now Krystal,
What is a book you would say is a must read, and why?
Krystal: It’s called “Hi God” and it’s by Pastor Nicole Crank. This one is literally like you and I are sitting here, girlfriend of girlfriend talking. But she’s having conversations with God. Like there’s a part in it that talks about – it’s kinda funny how we always pray to God that we get this new promotion or we pray to God we get this. But have we ever sat here and thanked God for what we have. What he’s given us. The power that he’s put within us to, you know, go do what we do every day.
And it’s just really kind of humbled me and kind of made me think about things I wouldn’t necessarily think about. It kind of goes toward all faiths. It doesn’t use so much biblical stuff, if that makes sense.
Awnya: It sounds like something I’m to have to add my reading list because I love a good new book so I’m going to have to add that on. OK Krystal, last question, but it might be the most difficult one. Here on the podcast. We like to do a weekly call challenge.
So what is the one thing you would tell the listeners to do in the next seven days to take action in their Paparazzi business?
So I thought long and hard about this and I had -like I kept writing things down and I’d scratch it out. Something that I had a lot of fun with and my team had a lot of fun and that actually really helped their sales was, again, to go out of your comfort zone a little bit. You know, we all put our make up on and go and sit and our live sales.
But to do a themed night. Not necessarily do you have to do it every week or anything. I normally do one a month. But a theme. And it could be -one of the girls she did a luau night. She had like luau music and then she had to turn it off and do her live and then she kinda did some more stuff with it. I personally, I’m a nerd and I love Harry Potter. So I got out every piece of Harry Potter stuff I put up a Harry Potter backdrop.
I had like my Hedwig’s sitting next to me and I showed a jewelry. I called it a magical line and there was like a golden snitch line where everything was gold. It just, it was really silly and ridiculous. You’re probably thinking like, “Krystal, what the heck are you talking about right now?!” But it was really, really fun and it was the most viewers I’d ever had. And we did a little Harry Potter trivia in between and we gave hostess rewards away and stuff. And it was just really fun.
Something different because- we’re all friends on Facebook. We see a million lives a night at eight o’clock. You know, you’re scrolling and it’s like live after live after live. Cute shirt. Oh I really love that necklace on you. Oh look at that lip color.
You don’t see people dressed up like a clown going live or you don’t see- like one girl she dressed up as an M&M. She put an M&M costume on and had like M&M -she collects M&M stuff. M&M as in like the candy not the rapper. She had all this stuff out. She was like doing Heresy’s and M&M kind of trivia and whatnot. And it was just something fun.
Go do something that’s a little out of your comfort zone. What I liked about it was not only the fact that, hey, you know, it’s something out of your comfort- sounds a little different, but it gives your customers a view into your life. Something you like. We all obviously love Paparazzi, right?! Cuz we’re selling it. But what’s something else that you love? One person dressed up as a mechanic because, you know, you don’t see very many female mechanics. And she did car trivia and stuff during her live.
So I challenge you to do that. It’s fun. And it’s fun for your customers too.
Awnya: #ChallengeAccepted. Let’s do this. A themed night or just something to get outside of your comfort zone. But, that sounds like so much fun.
Well, Krystal I sure appreciate you coming on the podcast today. I have learned so much from you. I have pages of notes and I’m sure the listeners feel the same. So thank you so much.
Krystal: Thank you. I really appreciate the opportunity. I was absolutely honored and I believe you asked me to do this.
Awnya: You are so welcome!
Show Notes
Krystal Glenn: Paparazzi Jewelry Elite Leader Interview- printable show notes