So you are wanting to grow your team?! That’s AWESOME!! Let’s chat about why you should and how you can get started growing your team!
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Building a team with Paparazzi is a great way to help other people as well as expanding your business.
Why should I want to build a team?
When you have a team, you can reach greater ranks in Paparazzi, get achievements like the Crown Clubs and you get a downline bonus check every month that will only add to the money you are already getting with your personal sales.
As you are growing leaders in your business, you get to connect with other women who are fun, excited and motivated in their business. It is really fun to make new friends and get to know people because of Paparazzi.
This is something I talk about a lot because I wasn’t a super popular kid and that is something I didn’t expect when I joined Paparazzi. I don’t think I would have believed it if someone HAD told me! Paparazzi has given me friends, great relationships, an increase in our family funds and a way to take amazing vacations with my husband!
While the reasons your friends and customers will want to join can be as various as they are, a lot of times they will also discover that Paparazzi is more than just $5 jewelry.
Another great reason to build your team is because you have the opportunity to help other women too. You can be the person that helps them get out of debt or helps them find a way to put food on the table. Or maybe they are able to work less and be with their kids more. Whatever the reason, you can be the person that helps them change their lives!
You are probably thinking, “I don’t know the first thing about being a leader or training someone.” Not a problem! This episode will get you started on the right foot!
So now that we’ve covered WHY you SHOULD want to grow your team, let’s cover the HOW.
Whether you’ve been with Paparazzi for several years or are just getting started, sharing the business doesn’t have to be complicated. Usually I just say something like, “Girl, you just love this jewelry SO much, have you ever thought of just joining?! Your passion would be contagious and I’m sure your friends would love looking as amazing as you do!”
See, that simple! I think a lot of times, we over-complicate the process and make it a lot more difficult than it has to be!
Here are a few tricks that I’ve learned that help me out…
Ask questions
Start out by asking them what questions THEY have about Paparazzi. This may be the only thing that you need to do. Most people only have a concern or two before they are ready to jump in! Talk about those and get them started!
There are some people who like numbers, facts and data to look over. Share with them the Compensation Plan. Be sure to add your consultant information to the top so that they know who to contact when they are ready to join your team.
Don’t over complicate this! It really is as easy as talking. If you get asked a question you don’t know or get stumped, tell them that you don’t know, BUT you can find out and let them know. You don’t have to have all the answers before you get going! Your potential team member will love that you will look into their question and get back with them! This shows them that you care and that you WILL find them the answers they need.
Be interested in them!
Learn about their personal life. Do they have kids? Family? Are they married? Are they new to the area? Do they stay at home? Do they work outside the home? Do they like jewelry? What is it about Paparazzi that they like most? How could Paparazzi make the biggest difference in their lives?
These are all great questions that will help you get you get to know that person better. Be sure to keep things conversational and not like an interview. You want them to get a feel for who you are at the same time AND not sound scripted.
Listen before you talk
When I get excited or nervous….and sometimes just because I’m awake, I like to talk. and talk and talk and talk. When you are chatting with someone about joining Paparazzi, the BIGGEST “secret” I can tell you is to LISTEN! Ask questions, like we talked about a minute ago but you really want to focus on listening more and talking LESS. When they ask you a questions, answer it and then ask them another question.
This leads me right into my next point…
Speak to what speaks to them
People join Paparazzi for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes its because they need girl time. Other times its just for the money. And still others just want to travel the world with a group of amazing people and see Paparazzi as a way to do just that. When you are talking about the benefits of joining Paparazzi, you need to focus most on the aspect that is most appealing to them.
If you have someone who wants to be fashionable at all times but is on a tight budget and you talk to her about traveling the whole time, she might walk away confused and unsure if Paparazzi is the right fit for her. If, on the other hand, you talk about how the styles change all the time and how Paparazzi has the latest colors, fashions and trends, you are speaking right to her heart and she is more likely to jump right in!
My favorite question to figure out what their heart wants is:
“What is it about the Paparazzi business that is most exciting to you?”
This leaves it wide open to see what is in their hearts and what will motivate them more to join.
Walk the Walk
When you are wanting to build a team, the BEST way to attract people to you is to be an amazing example of a Paparazzi consultant. Wear your jewelry, take it with you while you are out and about. When you sell a little or a lot, TELL people about it. You don’t have to brag, but simply sharing those little things will start to get your friends and family thinking that they want to have that kind of success too! Or maybe they will share what you are doing with the people they know and you will get referrals. It all starts from those little seeds you sew every day, so be sure you are planting seeds that you want to harvest!
Be consistent with the parties, events, and posting you do. Work your business consistently over time will be what gets you the results. I know it can be discouraging when you have been posting and posting and no one seems to be buying, but just keep it up! Have a party. Get some new blood in your sales group. Shake things up a little bit. But keep with it. When you push through those difficult times, that’s when you will find the tremendous, amazing, Elite kind of growth that we all want to achieve.

Show Challenge:
Do you know someone who might want to join your team? Talk to them and see if they have any questions about Paparazzi. You never know, that might be your first team member!