Are you tired of having mediocre success in your business? Let’s talk about what you need to do to move your business from good to GREAT!
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I’ve been there myself. Frustrated with my success. Discouraged by my progress. It is a tricky trap to fall into because from there it is SUPER easy to feel disappointed and then deciding to move on or try something new.
So how do we avoid getting discouraged? How do we move from just good to GREAT?
1- Make a plan and stick to it
For instance, Live videos are SO popular right now and are how the top leaders in Paparazzi are continuing to grow and explode their businesses. Are you going live? I’ll admit that I was pretty hit or miss with mine. I did my Lives when I had a free minute and was only showing 5 pieces.
Was this better than nothing. Yes. Was it great? No. It was mediocre at best. One of our top leaders shared with me that to make my videos SUPER successful, I needed to set a date and time and STICK TO IT! This was going to be a commitment to myself, my business and my customers.
Now, I go live 2 times a week. Am I having amazing, super, rock star levels of success? Not yet. But I know that things don’t happen overnight and I’ve committed to myself to keep with it, to keep improving and tweaking things until they ARE successful.
2. Stick to it!
I know this was part of the last piece of advice, but it is SO critical that I’m saying it again. STICK to it!! Whether you are going live, doing parties or events, or focusing on your Facebook sales group for your sales, you have to be consistent and stick with what you are doing. Good things happen to those who push through discouragement and struggles and just KEEP trying. That is where the magic happens.
So stay consistent, stay positive and KEEP GOING!
3. Greatness and Excellence
When you hear the work Excellence or Greatness what does it mean to you? Do you think of someone how was taking average levels of action? Barely scraping by? Someone who did the bare minimum in order to stay active or to qualify for their team bonus check?
NOPE! Excellence by definition is above and beyond. More than anyone else. Greatness is MORE. So doesn’t it stand to reason that if YOU want to reach Extraordinary levels of success, you need to be taking extraordinary levels of action?
More Facebook parties, more events, more talking to potential recruits, more posting in your VIP group. More.
4. Choose Great
I know when I’ve had a long day running kids around or cleaning and stopping fights, the LAST thing I want to do is go to work, BUT I also want to build my team and grow my business and I want that MORE than I want to sit and binge watch Netflix.
There are times that I have to choose to get less sleep. I choose to go to an event rather than chill at home on a Saturday. I choose to build and grow. I’m choosing things that are helping me build the life I want.
If EVERYONE is doing something you know that you shouldn’t be. Not everyone is achieving greatness, so if you want great, you need to be doing what everyone else won’t.
How dedicated are you to your success?
I had a friend once tell me that they live like other people won’t, so that in 3 years, they can live like other people can’t.
What are you willing to do now so that you have the live you want in the future?
Show Challenge:
Decide how you are going to choose GREAT in your life and start your plan tomorrow morning!!
Show Notes
Take Your Business from Good to GREAT!- printable show notes