Bridget is a Paparazzi Superstar who has risen through the ranks to be an Elite Leader!! She is a passionate and spunky person and one of the sweetest people you will ever meet! Get those notepads ready! Today the spotlight is on Bridget Rupert!
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Bridget just celebrated her fifth year with Paparazzi. She is life of the party Bronze and she has reached Executive Producer. She is one of our newest Elite Leaders. Bridget is also Crown Club 10. She has 3 beautiful kids and she is from the cold, cold Minnesota. Bridget, did I leave anything out?
Bridget: I love how you said, “the cold, cold Minnesota” cuz that is so true!
Awnya: Well, let’s jump into the interview questions!
What got you started with Paparazzi?
Bridget: Oh my Goodness. Well, honestly, this was never the intention. Like, Home business. Nothing like that was ever the intention that I wanted to do. I had just had my second child and at nights, like all night cuz I’m breastfeeding and I like, couldn’t get any sleep. It was really just not good.
And Facebook was like my go to like my go to. Just cuz there’s like so much stuff on there and I would just like so bored. And the garage sale sites in our town started to like started to boom. And I didn’t have a job and my husband was off working away – like really far away.
And I was just so bored and I just remember seeing this little advertisement on one of the yard sale sites. And I was like, “What?! No way! Like five bucks?!”
And I like really missed my first daughter’s childhood because I had her when I was very, very young and I started college right away. And I actually did like four years of college plus a certificate and also I went to the Minnesota police academy, like all at the same time. And I did it all in two years. And so I missed a ton of her childhood and so when I got pregnant with the second one, I was like, “This can’t happen again. Like, I can’t miss their childhood. Like, I want to stay home.”
Charles was making really good money but not like great money, but we were definitely like penny pinchers for sure. I saw the advertisement, and at first I was like, “oh, I don’t know.” Chasity Peterson is my sponsor and she had already sent, she has sent like all this info for me. And was like, “Oh, it’s so awesome!” and was like, “It’s only 5 bucks.”
And I had all these questions and I spent all night, like literally all night, talking to this woman on Facebook. And by morning I was like, “This is what I want to do. Like, I’m gonna do this because literally I loved the fact that we could stay at home. We didn’t have any like quotas or anything like that and it was affordable.
In the town that I live in, it’s a smaller town. It’s definitely a place where everybody’s looking for like a good bargain. Everybody is looking for like a good sale price. So I knew that it was going to be really popular here. And I haven’t heard of it, so that means nobody else probably heard of it. I was like all over Facebook all the time. So it was just one of those things when I’m like, Alright! I’m definitely going to do this.”
The only thing that really kind of killed it at first was that it was a $300 kit when I started. They didn’t have the $99 kit. That was a lot of money. Like, a ton of money to get and Charles did leave me with like a big chunk of change because he was going to be gone for like six-weeks. But, I didn’t want to use any of that money.
So going back to the garage sale sites. I went through my house and sold so much stuff. And it was just ridiculous. Like who the crap needs three crockpots?! If you have three crockpots, like, there is something wrong. I’m sure that half the women right now are like,”I have three crockpots.” You don’t need three crockpots!
And I didn’t even know I had three crockpots. There was just so many things in my house that I was like, “I can do without this right now. Like I don’t need it and I know that someone else will buy it. And so I just like went totally mad wild. And it took me a week. That’s it. It took me a week to come up with all the money for the starter kit.
And that was basically it. I joined five days later.
Awnya: What an amazing story! And I love how you said that you had to sell like your extra crockpots to get your starter kit. Cuz a lot of us have things kicking around that we don’t need and we could just sell that extra blender…
Bridget: Like, do you really need a quesadilla maker?? Probably not. And I sold mine.
Awnya: Right? And now you could buy 15 of those if you really wanted them.
Bridget: Exactly! It’s perfect.
What is your Paparazzi why? Why do you do Paparazzi?
Bridget: I started doing paparazzi because of the money. When I started…like, I liked jewelry. I’ve always liked jewelry but I never was like, “I’m gonna wear a ton of jewelry” or “I’m gonna have jewelry that matches everything.”
I probably had a couple pair of earrings, like a really nice, nice necklace and that was like it. And like a ring. You know, and it wasn’t that I didn’t like to wear jewelry, it’s just that it wasn’t a necessity me.
So when I started, it definitely was like about the money. And it was just so nice to pamper myself. It was so nice. It was so incredibly nice. I just did not want to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. I knew how to make like $50 last on a family of four like for two weeks. And honestly, the majority of it was like beans, rice and Ramen noodles.
It wasn’t that great, you know?! I just, I didn’t want to live like that anymore.
Awnya: Pinching pennies is so, so hard. Like we’ve been there so many times and actually when – I think I’ve shared this before on a different call, but when I purchased my starter kit my husband had been unemployed for five months. Like we were living the definition of pinching pennies.
And that is one of the things that drove me personally to Paparazzi because I was determined to never be in that situation again.
Bridget: Exactly.
Like, yeah, I was determined to make that solid foundation for our family so we wouldn’t have to live like that and scraping from paycheck to paycheck. So I love that you said that as well.
Now, have you found that your why has change from when you started five years ago to being an Executive Producer and having a huge team now?
Bridget: Oh, my gosh, yes! It definitely has changed like so much. And I feel like it’s always going to change because you hit another level and so then you kind of persevere for more. So obviously when I first started it was the money. Like, I just wanted to be able to help us out. Charles was working so much. I never got to see him, ever. The kids never got to see him. And, so then it changed.
Like at that point, once I started making money, and I made so much money the first month. Like, it was crazy. I had my lunch party like the day that I got my kit. Like as soon as my kit was there. And I didn’t have displays. Like, I didn’t have money to buy displays. Are you serious?!
I didn’t have any of that! We had this like black sheet. It was a bedsheet, you guys. I washed it. Don’t worry. I washed this black bedsheet that I had. I have no idea why I had a black bedsheet. Don’t ask.
And I like put boxes underneath, like different sized boxes underneath it tp make like different levels of things – like layers and stuff. I just like draped the jewelry on the table. And that was it. That was legit, my entire display. I didn’t have anything else and I wasn’t willing to spend any more money because I had like just spent $300.
I went to all my neighbors – I lived in a townhome complex and I didn’t know like half of them to be honest. And I would just like knock on the door and it was embarrassing. Like at that point when you don’t have that much money and you are like on medical assistance, food assistance, and you’re trying to get by, you don’t have shame. There’s no room for shame.
Right?! Like you just need to go out, put your pride aside. Like this is what I’m doing. There’s nothing wrong with it, like, come over. Like, we can have some drinks and you can look through all the stuff.
And that’s exactly what I did. I went to all the people in these townhomes. and it was crazy, because these people showed up and I didn’t know them, which is really weird to be honest that they just like came into my home and I’m like, “Oh, hey! Come and check this out.”
So it’s kind of cool because it really opened up to people that I would have never probably gotten to know and they came into my home. And I sold 97 items out of my kit. So our kits had a hundred items. It was a $300 kit and it had 100 items.
And I sold 97 items. And I just remember like after everybody left, I like just bawled. It was like crazy. And that is seriously when I knew I was like, “Oh my gosh. Like, this is it. It’s totally going to happen. Like, I’m going to be able to do this. I’m going to be able to help out.”
And I never told Charles, just an FYI. He did not know the entire time. He did not know when I bought my kit. I like totally kept everything from him because I was so worried he was going to be mad at me for spending over $300.
Like, selling all this stuff and having a big chunk of money and like not doing something like more productive with it. Like, productive in his mind. And so I just remember like, “I’m not gonna tell him. I’m just gonna keep selling.”
So I did 17 parties my first month and it was so crazy. The first thing I bought ever, ever was a freezer chest. It sounds so stupid cuz you’re like, “A Freezer chest?!” But that was like a sign of having a lot of money to be able to like pack food away because I wasn’t able to do that. Like, we didn’t have like a ton of food in the cupboards.
It was like a freezer chest. Like, I could see a light, like the halo light coming down, like, “Ahhhhh”. And it was so awesome. So that’s really like my why. Now, if you were just like “What is your why?” Like, today, my why would would be like to retire and be able to have like a good chunk of change for the three kids to have when they like turn 18 and go to college. And to be able to like travel because I love traveling and I love to camp. So I think that would be my why if you were to ask me like right now, that would be my why.
Awnya: I love how it has morphed from like a chest freezer, which I mean, let’s be honest. Minnesota- nine months of the year outside is a chest freezer, right?!
Bridget: Ha ha ha. You’re like, “Why did you buy that, Bridget?! Like, you have one outside!” Did I mention we lived in a townhome complex?! You couldn’t keep stuff outside, K??
Awnya: That’s true! That’s true. Ha ha. And now, it’s morphed into retirement and financial freedom and that your dreams have just expanded exponentially. I just love that.
Well let’s jump from that super inspirational why. We’re going to shift into your worst Paparazzi moment. That moment that you could’ve give it up because let’s face it we have those hills and those valleys, and everyone, even the Elite Leaders in Paparazzi experiences that.
So that’s kind of the basis behind this question is so everybody else in Paparazzi will realize the Elite Leaders probably have had worse moments then they have had up to this point. And to kind of humanize you guys little bit. So, Bridget take us to moment.
Tell us a story of your worst Paparazzi moment.
Bridget: So, obviously now, Paparazzi is like my life. Um, and life, I mean I work a lot. I work a lot. Me and Awnya had talked about this before, like socializing and things like that is super hard because I feel like a lot of my friends now are Paparazzi people. Paparazzi is definitely life.
And while I haven’t had any like specific moments in Paparazzi were like something happened in Paparazzi where I wanted to quit, but when you have, okay like, a regular job and they always say like leave your family at the door. And then when you’re going home leave your business at your business. You know what I mean? Like, don’t bring it home.
And so with Paparazzi that has kinda like been the biggest thing where there’ll be like certain things. If something affects me in my life, it almost affects my business, which is really hard. Because we… as a consultant we’re – we have to be very, very highly motivated. So you have outside things that happen, it’s really hard to keep your motivation when you can’t just show up. It’s not like a regular job where you just work the hours and you still get paid.
You might work the hours, but if you’re not like putting in energy and working at stuff that actually is like worth something and it’s going to like push your business better then it doesn’t help.
So I had to like give you that like little backdrop before I go onto this. *sigh* This is such a big deal. So, uh, Charles. Oooh. This is going to sting. Um, we realized that we just were not good for each other anymore. In August of last year, we decided that we were going to separate. Which you can imagine, was super, super hard.
And I got to tell you, there were definitely days that I did not want to work, where I would wake up and I just, I didn’t even want to do anything. Nothing. It just was so hard. It was so hard to talk to team members and try to motivate them when I wasn’t motivated myself, like at all.
And that was when I wanted to quit I wanted to just be done I didn’t want to do it anymore and it wasn’t because I didn’t love Paparazzi. It was just that, my life in general, my life wasn’t happy, you know? And so I remember just being like, “Maybe I should just quit, you know?!”
I was a Premier Producer and I just didn’t have my heart in it anymore.
I just remember like one day being like, “Bridget you have all this stuff. You have to pay for this.” And that when my why like we talked about before like really changed back to, “You have to survive now because you have three kids and you have the house, this beautiful house, that you have to take care of. You know, and you need to do this.”
It wasn’t a option anymore. Like, I couldn’t just…like having the three kids you can’t just like sit back and let bills collect and stuff like that. And so what I did was, I just remember like, I watched some really sappy movies. And “The Pursuit of Happiness”. Oh my Gosh! I remember watching that like three times.
Sometimes you just need to cry right? You just need to get it all out and I just bawled and I bawled and I bawled. And I kept thinking like, “Alright. You have to do this for the kids. It’s not about you. This isn’t your life. It’s your kids’ life. You need to make it better. You have to keep going.” And so what I did is, all of this energy that I had thinking about my failed marriage, basically, I put into my business.
Instead of sitting there and, you know, sobbing over, you know, what I did or didn’t do, I just took all that energy and I was like, “I’m going to talk to someone.” And the first day it was really hard. It was really hard to just get on the phone and just talk to somebody. Because nobody knew this was going on. So in the process of this, nobody knew. Our family didn’t know, nothing.
Charles had moved out. He got his own place and I really just didn’t want to talk about it with our family just because that was really hard for me to accept. We didn’t know if that was gonna be like a finalized thing. So instead of like, going out and hanging out with friends, I really just focused on taking care of my kids and running my business
And I’m not gonna say that it was like a blessing but I did rank and I made Elite. So there is a sunny side of it. So, when you asked me if there was a time that you wanted to quit, it definitely wasn’t because of Paparazzi. I mean, but that definitely was a time where I was just like I think I’m just going to quit.
Like, I can’t handle it. I can’t do my life and not think about all the wrong that was going on at that time and try to motivate other people when I didn’t have any motivation myself.
Awnya: Bridget, I just want to take a minute to acknowledge how emotional that was for you and thank you for sharing that with us. Because those are the moments that your life and your business – they’re totally intertwined. And those are the moments where you do have to find your inner strength and go back to that why.
And sometimes it’s not super fun but the thing that I love the most about that is, can -everybody listening – can you tell how real Bridget it? Like, she is truly genuine. She’s passionate about what she does. She’s passionate about Paparazzi. She’s passionate about her family and I think that just come through so much. So I have to thank you for sharing that
Bridget: I’m just like a really big baby.
Awnya: No. No, you’re passionate and a lot of passionate people, those emotions are just so close to the surface. So, I love that.
Now, what is the lesson you want everyone to take from your moment?
Bridget: I have a lot of team members that will message me be like, “I think I’m going to quit.” and I have to be like, “Why? You know, why do you thinking about quitting?” And the funny thing is that the more that we talk, it always ends up coming down to outside things. It always ends up coming down to not anything that has to do with the business but there does not they are not having a good time in their life right now. Like it’s just not a good time. There’s lots of pressure from the world. There’s pressure from families.
You know, maybe your husband doesn’t believe in what you’re doing. Maybe, you know, your family members don’t support you because it’s just a direct sales thing. I have to tell you, I had that. I totally had that. Until I showed them a paycheck and was like, “What’s up?”
They didn’t believe in any of the stuff that I was doing. They thought it was such a scam. They thought it was so stupid and nobody – none of my family members showed up to my lunch party. And it was very devastating for me. Because that was something that I really, really wanted to make it work and I believed in it.
And so, just don’t let outside things steer your life. Steer your life away from being progressive and inspiring and just doing awesome with Paparazzi in general. Don’t let that happen. If anything do what I did and use that energy to really put into your business.
Awnya: And that might be a really good reason to be in touch with that why like your core why you started Paparazzi. Not like a superficial, “Well, because it’s fun,” because then when things get difficult with your life or with your business you can definitely come back to that.
Now, Bridget, what is a habit that you have that contributes to your success?
Bridget: It would be consistency for sure. Definitely consistency. And it’s not just like consistency with just selling or just recruiting. You gotta do it all. You have got to do it all.
My consistency is daily, all day. I make lists. I am always posting in my group. I’m always talking to team members, I talk to at least 4 of my team members a day. I go through my first levels and then I move down the levels. And I just call people and talk to them. It’s really cool because when you do call them, you really kind of like piggyback ideas off of each other. And I have a lot of team members that when I’m not feeling inspired, just talking to them there’s like so like, “On my gosh. I’m so excited!” Especially like brand-new team members. I love talking to them.
They’re just so excited and they’re just so new. And I’m like, “Give me that energy like pass it on to me! Like, right through the phone, please!” Cuz I need that.
Definitely consistency. I know of people, especially… this is my full-time job. Obviously I get, I stay at home. I don’t just like sit on my butt all day. I’m always doing things around the house. I gotta keep it clean because I’m OCD. And I live here and I’m always here. I do schooling with my kids. There’s a lot of stuff that’s going on. And so my consistency is 15 minutes.
And I know that sounds really weird, but what I do, then I’m able to do a lot of stuff throughout the day, is I do each thing for 15 minutes. That means I go do laundry for 15 minutes. I go do the dishes for 15 minutes I call some team for 15 minutes. I post for 15 minutes. I do ideas for 15 minutes, like write down in my journal some ideas. I watch an inspirational video for 15 minutes.
It’s all 15 minute increments and that’s how I have been able to do a lot of stuff and then I also make sure that I take a break. And I think that’s another thing that a lot of people forget. Is that you need to take a break. Your mind needs to take a break. So I do a lot of meditation. Do medication in the morning, when I wake up. I know that sounds weird because you just woke up so your brain is not really working, but it really does help to relax.
And I noticed, before, I would wake up and almost be like in a frenzy. Like, “Oh my gosh, I have so much stuff that I need to do. I need to get out of bed now and get dressed and get the kids and make some lunch and make breakfast and…” La la la – All the stuff. Now I wake up and meditate for a little bit so I definitely make sure that I take some time for myself and for my mind and my heart.
And I take time out for the kids I will spend – obviously I don’t do the 15 minute rule with them. It adds up to be a lot, I swear. But, 15 minutes is definitely one of the things – the consistency – it has helped so much throughout the years that I’ve been with Paparazzi. It has definitely helped a lot and doing lists. Oh my gosh. Lists help so much!
With women in general, they always have a ton of stuff on their mind and we’re kind …we’re like squirrel chasers. We’re the dog that sees a squirrel and they’re like “Squirrel!” You know?! We’re those people. Cuz there’s just always so much going on and so it definitely helps.
Consistency is definitely something that I really push my team on. To always try to sell something every single day. Always talk to your team numbers. Always try to recruit every single day. Always do a booking blitz every single day. 15 minutes you guys. It really, really does help.
Awnya: I need to get better at doing 15 minute chunks because I tend to hyper focus on one thing. Like today was cleaning the kitchen. So my kitchen looks great but the rest of my house is trashed and I didn’t work near as much on my business as I probably should. So I love that!
Bridget: Ha ha ha.
Awnya: 15 minutes and then break so if I can clean the kitchen for 15 minutes and then do something in my business. And then spend, I don’t know, like 35 minutes running kids everywhere. Whatever you need to do, but at least you’ll get that 15 minutes to get there feel like you’re using as much energy if you really do a focus 15 minute chunk in there.
Bridget: It doesn’t feel like you are using as much energy if you really do a focused 15 minutes because you’re changing what you’re doing instead of focusing on something for, you know, a couple hours. You’re gonna get tired and you just can’t focus anymore. You do small increments of focused things but then you’re changing them up so it’s not like your brain is getting tired.
Awnya: Now do you have a timer that you just set for 15 minutes and then you just do something really quick or…?
Bridget: I sound so hard-core don’t I?! I’m not that hard-core, no. I sound really hard core, but, no, I just, you know. If you think about, it takes 15 minutes to do the dishes. Legit. If you do dishes every single day, it will probably take you a good 15 minutes to do the dishes.
People don’t realize how long 15 minutes really is. Going do a work out – a cardio workout for 15 minutes. You know how long that is. Now think about it the same thing with clean. It never actually takes me 15 minutes to fold one load of laundry. You know, it takes me probably 10 minutes. One load you guys. One load, not four loads. One load.
You know, so things like that. It only takes me 15 minutes to do certain thing, you know. Maybe dust the living room. If it’s a focused 15 minutes.
Awnya: I love that word – focused. And I think that the morning meditation – I think that, at least for me, that’s what I find really helps with the meditating in the morning. Not to quiet my mind or to organize my thoughts from the day. It’s to gain that focus and that direction that I need for my day and just start out with the calm.
Peace and a direction instead of waking up like you said, kind of haggard and like, “woah, ok, let’s just go, go, go!”
Bridget: Yes! Exactly.
What advice would you give to a brand-new Paparazzi Consultant just getting started in their business?
Bridget: Stop thinking so much. I love that people think so much and that they want everything like planned out specifically and accordingly. And it’s so perfect. I love that. That is me. But stop doing that.
Just start. The day you buy your kit, start. Tell people about it. Don’t wait until your kit comes. And then, you know, think about having a lunch party. Or ask somebody, “Hey, what do you guys think about doing a party?” Just do it. Just Start.
Don’t aim. I remember Misty Kirby one time, and I can’t remember the training. I think it was at convention and I want to say it was at Paint the Town Pink. But she talked about how businesses, like our businesses and like selling isn’t like aiming a gun and shooting.
You don’t, like normally when you going to like a target practice you are going to aim it and then you gonna shoot. And with Paparazzi it is not like that. You shoot. You just shoot. You know, and then you slowly aim as you’re shooting. And so you tweak things a little bit more.
Because everybody’s business is gonna be different. Everything is gonna work different for you. What works for me might not work for you. What I do when I sell maybe you don’t want to do it that way. And so just do it. Just start. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about what people are going to think about you about selling this. Just do it. Just sell it.
Awnya: What a great analogy and if you’re shooting and you’re shooting consistently like think of a MK 47 or an automatic machine gun – I don’t know my guns very well if you can’t tell.
Bridget: You’re gonna hit something! You’re gonna hit something!
Awnya: if it is going, Du du du du du du du – You’re gonna hit something with all of those bullets versus taking a handgun and going phew. Phew.
Bridget: Like trying to aim. Yes. Definitely, our business is not like that. It doesn’t need to be perfect. You know there’s all these people that are out there, “I want to do a really fancy display” and they put all this money into their displays.
Some of my team members have spent hundreds of dollars on their displays. And I’m like, “What are you doing?” “Oh, I need to buy business cards and I need to do this.” Are you serious?! Like I had a sheet. I had a sheet and that’s all I did.
I didn’t even have business cards when I first started. You know, it wasn’t about that it was just about selling because I had the product. I don’t need my business card to sell. Does it help in the future? It totally helps, but I already have what I need to sell it and that is the product. I don’t need anything else.
Awnya: And a lot of times I think people are trying to hit the bull’s-eye and they’re trying to get things through on the first shot. Like growing up, my mom used to say “Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades” and I’m gonna throw Paparazzi in there! Because somebody’s gonna see you slingin bling and they’re gonna be like, “Dude! I want 60 bucks… I want to be able to pick up my kids and pick up a $120 too.” So it doesn’t have to be exactly perfect you just have to be getting it out there.
And so that’s about the new phrase, “Almost counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and Paparazzi.”
Bridget: Exactly. Exactly.
What would you suggest to a consultant who is feeling stuck in their business? What would you tell them to do?
Bridget: This is a really hard question for me because I think it all depends on what type of team member you are. So if you’re the type of team member that needs a list to do something and that’s what motivates you is just like getting things done and you just need somebody to tell you what to do, start selling right now!
Book a party do about Booking Blitz, do 10 parties in one month, talk to five people per day, give somebody a compliment, and know your business.
But if you’re somebody that you needs to be motivated in a different way, like in your mind… I’m definitely one of those. I talk about lists a lot but I definitely need my heart into something. Like I said, what’s your why? And you talked about that before too. When I was going to do all of my family crap in August I had to switch. I had… it wasn’t about like having fun. To be honest, my heart wasn’t in it. It wasn’t. I was just there, but I knew that I needed to make money because I couldn’t get behind on my bills.
I was paying for everything. I have a house, you know, that’s $800. I have the van that’s another $300. Phone bill is $200. Natalie’s dance classes, the food, bills, the dentist, everything That was my motivation. So if you have to switch your motivation and switch your why, then that’s what you need to do.
You know, if you have another job – I always notice people that have other jobs their motivation is lost because they have that other job to fall back on. So I get it. I understand and that’s okay. That’s definitely okay. Obviously, the reason why you joined Paparazzi was to make some extra money. You know, maybe it’s not to do this full-time. Maybe you should just do some side stuff and make some extra money. Well then, figure something out that you really want to buy and put that down, and figure out how many pieces that you need to sell.
You know, talk to your sponsor. Oh my gosh I know so many people that don’t try to get motivated from other people and I have to reach out and I’m just like, “Why are you not motivated? Like call me. Talk to me.” Talk to them on the phone. Watch an inspirational video. You just, you gotta switch it up.
Awnya: I’m gonna highlight a couple of things I jotted down while you were giving that advise. You said, talk to your sponsor, watch an inspiring video, make a list, book a party, or get back in touch with your why.
I think any of those things are golden on their own, like knowledge bomb, but I’m sure there’s other ones in there I missed as well…
Bridget: There’s so many. I get it, right?! It’s hard. We’re women. We’re up and down like nobody’s business. So make Paparazzi your outlet. Make Paparazzi your happy place. I get super, freaking happy when I see my PayPal account like jump up. I get so excited when I had a really good party. I love when my oldest comes down and does like a live video with me because she just thinks it’s the coolest thing ever. To be on Facebook, because I won’t let her have a Facebook account.
You know what I mean?! I love seeing that and so I can tell you right now, like once you have a good party, your like, “Oh yeah, I’m really back into this is. Like, I don’t even know why I stopped.
Awnya: I love that! It’s so true. Sometimes it’s the little things that will get you back in with your whole heart and working it again.
What is a quote that inspires you?
Bridget: And I absolutely love… I love this. I’m definitely one of those people that has learned how to embrace the highs with the lows. To me, life is definitely just a bunch of waves. And so you have to know how to ride the little ones and you know how to ride high ones and to get on that board.
And I don’t even surf, but I just think this is absolutely beautiful.
Awnya: I completely agree. That’s one I haven’t heard before but I’m in love with it now. Like, I’m going to have to like stitch it on a pillow or something!
Bridget: I’m sure we can find something. It’s all over.
What is a book you’d say is a must read and why?
Bridget: So I really like the book Failing Forward. I’ve read it like 10 times now. It’s so amazing. It’s definitely something that I have a hard time failing. So this book is all about changing your perspective.
And it’s not just like about business, it’s about everything. And I think that’s what I love so much about the book is that there’s tons of things that you can utilize in your everyday life. And I think, like, one of the best parts – it talked about that failing, the word failing and to fail is totally subjective. It is all in how you look at it and, like, what you perceive it is. So this book is really good because it will definitely change the way that you look at things perspective wise.
Um, the other books, and it’s books – it’s a series. And I know this is going to be like, “What?!” It is basically any of the Harry Potter books. And I know, I’m such a kid but let’s just give it up to Harry for being like the raddest kid ever. Like totally looks like he’s gonna fail. Like the kids hate him, pick on him, but he’s just such a cool hero. And there’s just so many good books are just so big in my life.
Like I think I was in like sixth grade when they came out so don’t be judging on this little geek over here, but… There’s just so many life lessons that you can learn from Dumbledore himself if you wanted to. There’s some really good quotes that he had throughout the books and I think the series is so awesome.
I know that sounds so funny because it’s like a kids story book, but it really is true. There’s so many life lessons that you can learn from these books if you kinda delete the magic a little bit.
Awnya: Oooh! I love that! So, Failing Forward and Harry Potter series.
Bridget: Yes!
Awnya: Perfect! Okay. We’re down to the last question!
So here on the PapaRockStars podcast, we like to do a weekly call challenge. So what is the one thing you would challenge the listeners to do in the next seven days to take action in their Paparazzi businesses?
Bridget: Alright. So the next 7 days. I know Paparazzi did the #NoExcuses and that really was like, no excuses, and so I’m not being totally original… because I kinda am, but I’m not okay.
So the next seven days – for one week – you need to like literally eat, drink, sleep Paparazzi. Sell every single day. You need to talk to at least like two people about joining or just about –it doesn’t even have to be about joining. Like, “Oh, hey. Do you want to join?” It can be like, “Hey.” You know, talk about how much you love Paparazzi. And maybe they ask you a question on like – have do you been doing this for a while? And kinda go a little bit beyond the answer. You know, things like that.
Talk to a couple people a day and just be consistent like totally consistent, hard core. 100% focused. Working for seven days. Because I guarantee you, there’s people that only work week their business like a couple days a week. And I’m like, “Oh my God. You can’t complain anymore if you don’t – like if you’re not working that much.”
If you are working three hours a day you need to up your hours most definitely. Especially right now because it is crazy. So for seven days – so we’ll break it down for you.
Seven days – you are going to be totally consistent every single day. You’re going to post in your customer group, and try to sell something every single day. Do a Booking Blitz every single day, that’s a good one. And also talk to 2 people every single day about anything Paparazzi.
Awnya: That is perfect! Bam!! What a way to end the call. Can you guys see why I love Bridget so much?! She’s just amazing! I love her energy. I love her spirit and her spunk.
Show Notes
Bridget Rupert: Paparazzi Elite Leader Interview – printable show notes