Tag: getting started

Grow Your Paparazzi Jewelry Team [episode 059]Grow Your Paparazzi Jewelry Team [episode 059]

So you are wanting to grow your team?!  That’s AWESOME!!  Let’s chat about why you should and how you can get started growing your team! Listen Now: Training: Building a team with Paparazzi is a great way to help other people as well as expanding your business. Why should I

Reinvest for Success [episode 038]Reinvest for Success [episode 038]

Are you wanting to build your inventory?  Or just grow your business SUPER fast?  My tips for growing your inventory and business in today’s show! Listen Now or Download:   Training: What does it mean to reinvest in your business?  How much should you reinvest and for how long? Great

Get Un-Comfortable [episode 035]Get Un-Comfortable [episode 035]

Have you heard of this thing called your comfort zone?  Let’s chat about how your comfort zone could be hindering your business and what you can do to change it. Listen Now or Download: Training: We each have a way of protecting ourselves from things that could potentially be dangerous.

The Fear of Being Pushy [Episode 027]The Fear of Being Pushy [Episode 027]

Do you worry that you might be too pushy to your friends, family or customers?  Let’s talk about what it means to be pushy and why you probably aren’t… Listen Now or Download: Training: We all have that person in our lives who doesn’t seem to know when they are

Never Open a Box Alone [Episode 021]Never Open a Box Alone [Episode 021]

It is JUST like Christmas!  When the mailman or the FedEx person drops off that box the first thing you want to do is OPEN it!!  Right?!?  Here are a few reasons why you should wait… Listen Now or Download: Training: 1.  Didn’t your Mama teach you to share? One

How To Find Vendor Events [Episode 010]How To Find Vendor Events [Episode 010]

A fun way to find new customers, possible hostesses and people who might want to join your Paparazzi team is at events!  They are a great way to get exposed to a lot of people really quickly.  Let’s look at how you can find events in your area. Listen Now

Setting Goals for your Paparazzi Accessories Business [Episode 009]Setting Goals for your Paparazzi Accessories Business [Episode 009]

Have you ever taken a vacation without planning where you are going or how you are going to get there?  Goal setting helps you know where you want to go and even a general plan on how to get there so that you don’t wander around with no direction. Listen

5 Common Questions Customers Ask Paparazzi consultants [Episode 008]5 Common Questions Customers Ask Paparazzi consultants [Episode 008]

As a Paparazzi Accessories Consultant, I tend to get asked several questions by my customers over and over.  Here are those questions and the answers too! Listen Now or Download: Training: If you have been a Paparazzi Accessories consultant for a while, these questions are probably some that you hear

How to Book Up Your Calendar [Episode 007]How to Book Up Your Calendar [Episode 007]

A full calendar is a happy calendar and shows that a consultant is busy and growing.  Let’s explore how to book up your calendar for maximum success. Listen Now or Download: Training: The above video is a quick summary of what we are talking about today.  Plus, if you are

Booking your First Home Parties [Episode 006]Booking your First Home Parties [Episode 006]

Booking your first home parties after starting your Paparazzi Accessories business can be intimidating and a little scary.  Here are a few tips and suggestions to help you get those first Paparazzi $5 Jewelry parties on your calendar. Listen Now or Download: Training: In our show, Getting Started, (episode 001) I

Hostess Coaching [Episode 005]Hostess Coaching [Episode 005]

Whether your hostess has hosted a million parties or this is her first one, Hostess Coaching is a good way to help your hostess have MAXIMUM success at her party. Listen Now or Download:   Training: Staying in contact with your hostesses and coaching them in the days before their

Hostess Rewards [Episode 004]Hostess Rewards [Episode 004]

Hostess Rewards is a great way to reward your hostess for hosting a party with you!!  Today, we explore some different ways to reward your hostess! Listen Now or Download:  Training: Let me start out this call by saying that Hostess Rewards are totally what you decide you want them

Your Why – Discovering What Drives You [Episode 003]Your Why – Discovering What Drives You [Episode 003]

Do you ever wonder why some people have a drive and determination to succeed while others seem to fizzle and fade?  Finding the deep-down reason why you do what you do is the key to lasting motivation. Listen Now: Training: Finding your deep down reason for doing what we do

The Fortune is in the Follow Up [episode 037]The Fortune is in the Follow Up [episode 037]

Why do most people miss the boat when it comes to following up and how can I avoid making that mistake? Listen Now or Download: Training: If you have been listening to the show for long, you know that one of the things that I’m MOST passionate about is following