Setting Goals for your Paparazzi Accessories Business [Episode 009]

Have you ever taken a vacation without planning where you are going or how you are going to get there?  Goal setting helps you know where you want to go and even a general plan on how to get there so that you don’t wander around with no direction.

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Why are goals important?

One of my all-time favorite quotes is “An unwritten goal is merely a wish”.  As I mentioned in the intro, setting goals helps you to know where you are going and even sometimes how to get there.  Without goals, we can end up using our time less productively or bounce from one thing to another.  Goals help to guide us and keep us focused.

Goals also help us look towards the future instead of being focused on the past or present.  For example, if you have set a personal goal to lose 20 pounds before your class reunion, you are less likely to eat an entire chocolate cake than you would be without that goal.

What kinds of goals can you set for your business?

The kinds of goals you can set for your Paparazzi Accessories business are totally up to you.  Here are some examples of different goals you can have:

  • Sell ______ of pieces in a month
  • Advance in rank
  • Join the Crown club
  • Have ______  parties in a month
  • Have ______ events in a month
  • Help _____ new team members join your team
  • Earn ______ points towards the incentive trip
  • Walk the stage at convention
  • Attend Paparazzi Accessories convention in 2016
  • etc.

The goals you could possibly set are as limitless as your imagination!  Choose goals that are meaningful to you and that will help motivate you to ACTION but that are still attainable.

If you set goals that are too high, sometimes it’s easy to lose focus.  If you do have a lofty goal, set smaller goals to help you get to the larger goal.

When should I set goals?

ANYTIME!  A lot of people choose to set goals around New Year’s because the new year reminds us of new beginnings and that helps us want to be better people.  Yet, usually before March is over, we have forgotten those resolutions or moved on to something else.  Set your goals whenever you want to!  Sometimes I set goals for my day, week or month.

Another great time to set goals is when you have achieved a goal!  Take a moment to celebrate your accomplishment and then decide what your next step will be.  This will help you keep moving, growing and developing.

Should I share my goals?

Sharing your goals is totally a personal choice.  To be honest, there are some people that I share my goals with and others that I just don’t.  The people that you know will support your dreams and goals no matter what are the ones you want to share your goals with.  They are the ones who will help you keep focused and positive when things get rough.

If you have any “dream-stealers” or people in your life who tend to find every reason why you CAN’T or WON’T reach your goals, feel free to leave them out of the loop on this one.  The last thing you need is someone filling your head full of doubt and disbelief.

Another way to help make your goals a little more motivating is to POST them around your house.  Places like your mirror, bedroom door, or next to your computer screen are a few places where you will see them often and that will help remind you and motivate you to action.  You can even post them online if you want to!  Sometimes announcing that you are going to do something motivates you to get it done!

How Should I Set Goals:

I like to try to make my goals S.M.A.R.T.  –>

Specific – avoid generalities like “I just want to get stronger” or “sell more”.  Make your goals specific.  How many pieces of jewelry do you want to sell or how much weight do you want to lose or how many pounds do you want to bench press?

Measurable – how are you going to measure your goal?  Do you have a chart or something to document your progress?  How will you know when you reach your goal?  What time frame do you want to accomplish your goals by?

Attainable – We already touched on this briefly, but is your goal something you can do?  Is it something you have control over?  Making a goal to win the lottery is both highly unlikely and something you have no control over.  Be sure your goals are enough to make you stretch and grow, but not so big that you lose motivation or focus.

Realistic – Are your goals realistic or do they need a little adjusting?  If I set a goal to bench press 120 pounds in 2 months, that would be setting myself up to fail.  I would need to choose something a little closer to what I can actually achieve in my given time frame.

Trackable –How are you going to track your progress for your goals?  Do you have benchmarks to help you along the way?  How often do you want to check in on the progress you are making?  Something like “talk to more people everyday” is a great way to meet new customers or future team members, but it isn’t trackable.  Choose something more specific like “talk to 3 people daily about my Paparazzi business” and then you can track your progress from day to day.

By making sure that you are setting goals for your Paparazzi business and making sure they are SMART, I know that you will explode your business!

Call Challenge:

Set 3 goals for yourself for the month that are personal and 3 that are for your business.  Post any that you feel comfortable sharing in the comments below!  (or, if you don’t want to share any of them, comment with a “Done” so we can cheer you on!!)

Show Notes / Printable Version:

Setting Goals for Your Business – Printable Show Notes

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