Checking out your customers – The key to more parties and recruits [episode 057]

When you are checking out a customer at a party or an event, the time when you are bagging their order is a KEY time to get a few minutes with just you and them.  Here’s how to leverage that time!

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So you are doing a party or an event and the people are shopping.  Yay!  Business is GREAT!!  When they are ready to check out, do you just bag their orders and send them on their way? Or do you use that one on one time to build your relationship with them and ask them questions?

Let’s talk for just a minute about how you can leverage that time to make a difference in your business.

1- when the customer tells you they are ready to checkout, take their jewelry and then hand them a drawing slip.  Then say something like, “Awesome!  Will you please fill this out while I bag up your order?”

I have never gotten a complaint, but I DO get their information so that I can follow up with them in the future.  This is a great way to start a customer newsletter, find potential consultants and new party hostesses.  For more details about that, listen in to our show called Drawing Slips – What are they and why you should use them 

While you are bagging up their jewelry, you can ask them what their favorite piece of jewelry is of the night.  You can ask them if they had fun.  Ask if they have any other fun plans for their night or weekend.  This builds that trust and relationship.  This makes it more likely that they will choose to come back and shop again and again from YOU!

Since you’ve already got her talking, ask if she has would like to host a party!  It can be as simple as:

“Hey Linda, have you thought about having a few friends over like Suzie did tonight?  You could get some free jewelry and Suzie gets a reward at your party too!  What do you think?”

See!  It’s low pressure and highlights the fun time she had that night as well as the fact that she will get free jewelry and that her friend will get a reward too!

Next, regardless of what she said for the first question, ask her if she’s considered joining your team.  It could sound something like,

“You know, I can see that you LOVE our jewelry.  Have you ever thought of just selling it??  You would probably save a fortune on just your personal purchases alone.”

Again, super low pressure.  I love both of these ways to ask because it is easy for me to slide into conversation.  I don’t feel pushy or sneaky and since this is usually a minute I have alone with the guest, its the perfect time.

Do you know why MOST people don’t join your team or host a party?  98% of people polled in a research study by Mary Christensen (a direct selling speaker, trainer and coach) showed that 98% of people who don’t host a party or join your team WERE NEVER ASKED!

This statistic blows me away every time I hear it.  98%!  Can you image how different your business would be if you made it a habit of asking EVERY SINGLE customer checking out if they would host a party or join your team?  Crazy!

Online Parties-

Now, if you are doing a lot of online parties, you are probably trying to figure out how you can make this work in your business.  I have been testing out a new method over the last few months, and I’m loving the results.

When your customers are ready to check out, you can do 1 or 2 things.

1- have them personal message you to open up the Facebook lines of communication.  Then, send the pictures of what they are buying and ask for their email address for the invoice.  Then finally, ask if they would want to host and / or join.  This way is a little bit more back and forth and if they don’t send the first message, FB will filter your message so they may never get it.

2- Google checkout form- post the link in your sales group or event for your google checkout form.  You can set up this form however you would like (there are even some pre-made forms you can use.  I liked the one called “Contact Form” since it had most of the info I would need already in the template).  I have them fill out their email address, mailing address, phone number, and then I have a question that asks if they would like more info on earning free jewelry by hosting a party or if they would like more info about joining the team.

They can check one, both or none of the boxes if they choose.

Neither of these methods are as good as having that face to face interaction with your customers, but it is a close second and makes it so at least the info is being presented to them in some fashion.


Drawing Slips – What are they and why you should use them

Show Challenge:

This week, decide how you are going to work your checkouts.  Practice your in-person check out questions and create a plan of attack for your online parties and events.  Now do it!

Show Notes

Checking Out Your Customers – printable show notes

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