It’s all in what you say – Daily Affirmations [episode 060]

The words we say are SUPER powerful.  Let’s talk more about the words you can say to help catapult you to success!

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If I were to tell you that by saying the word Stupendous 3 times a day would catapult your business to Rock Star success, would you do it?  Of course you would!  It sounds kind of silly and really easy, but I’m pretty sure you would make an extra effort to incorporate that word into your day AT LEAST 3 times, right?

Well, affirmation statements are JUST like saying the word stupendous except they are more customized just for you!!  Some people call affirmations “I AM statements” or “intentions” but whatever you call them, they are a powerful way to attract and create great things in your life.

Affirmations work by helping your mind to concentrate on a goal or something you want to attract into your life or business.

There are a lot of different resources and different experts that share the ways they do their affirmations. Here are some of my affirmations and why I do what I do.

1- I like to start my affirmations with “I am…”  That helps me relate my affirmations to me. I also helps my subconscious mind believe that the words that follow are about me.

Another powerful way to start an affirmation is to say the way things were. For example: “In the past, I’ve struggled to  eat healthy…”  When you use this, you are recognizing how things have been and then you can continue with “but now, I’m learning and growing and I am 100% committed to making healthy eating choices and exercising 3 days a week for 29 minutes.”

The trick to using this kind of affirmation is that you say the way that things were, THEN you need something to change.  You can use something as simple as “Then I joined Paparazzi” or “then I listened to the Papa Rock Stars Podcast”.  I’ve even had results saying something like “until I ate a sandwich”.  Seriously.  It doesn’t matter WHAT caused the change from the way things were it just matters that something caused a change.

2- How committed are you to this affirmation?  If you aren’t 100% committed to this affirmation you might want to go back to the drawing board.  Anything less than a FULL commitment allows room to wiggle or to not accomplish your goals and desires.  If you find that you are only 80% focused or committed to your goal, rework it until it is something that you can fully commit to.

3- Act As If.  This sounds a little funny, especially if you are a fan of the movie “clueless” where one of their favorite phrases was, “As IF!!”  But in all seriousness, what is life going to BE like when you reach your goal or when one of your affirmations comes into reality?  I’m guilty of thinking things like, “When I am a Fashionista, I will get a pedicure once a week” or “When I am an A-lister, I will do a weekly team training.”  Is that me acting as if?  Nope.

So for this step, decide the things that you would like to be doing WHEN you hit your goal.  So maybe you think that a weekly newsletter would be a good idea when you get a bigger team.  Start sending one now!  Maybe you think that you want to do a training call once you get 20 active team members.  Start doing one today.

Get the things in place that you want to be doing right now. This is your way of telling the universe that you are READY for the positive changes in life!  Plus, if you get in the habit NOW of doing things like a training call or a team newsletter or a daily training video, then once your team is bigger or you have hit Elite, you won’t have to try to make the habit THEN.  It will already be something you know how to do and are used to fitting into your to-do list.

4- Read and/or write your affirmations daily – I’ve kind of played with this idea both ways.  I really like to write out my affirmations 2 times a day, when I first get up and right before I go to sleep.  It helps my mind to focus on the things that I’m working for and gives my mind a chance to focus on them at night and it gets my day off to a good start by reading them first thing.

Reading them can be just as powerful, depending on what you prefer.  I’ve heard of posting them on your bathroom mirror, in your car, in the kitchen, etc. or even carrying a card with your affirmations written on it and reading it several times a day.

The important thing is that you are reading or writing them at least 1 time a day.  This helps your mind to focus and this will help attract the things you want into your life.  For an added level of commitment to this exercise, read them out loud every day.  I promise it works!

5- Be specific.  The more specific you can be about your dreams, intentions and goals, the more likely they are to appear in your life.  For instance, do you want a new car?  Go shopping for one.  Research the make, model and color you want.  Go take a test drive.  Take a picture of yourself in the car that you will own.  Then when you are going over your goals, you will know exactly what you want and it will be much easier to call it into your life.  If you are simply stating that you want a new car -that is to general and will have less of a chance of happening.

6- Include as many senses you can in the process.  For example, maybe your goal is to walk the stage at the next Paparazzi convention as a Fashionista.  What kind of dress will you be wearing?  How do the lights feel on your skin?  Are you wearing heals?  Flats?  Boots?  Barefoot? Are you crying, happy, both?  Is there something you can smell?  How do you feel?  Do you feel accomplished?  Overwhelmed?  Excited?  Terrified of tripping?  Close your eyes and experience that situation in your mind’s eye.  The more senses you can include the better.

That is why the example of the car is so powerful.  You are sitting in the car, smelling the new leather.  Feeling the warmth of the seats.  Driving it.  Feeling how you feel when you sit there.  Does it make you feel sexy?  Secure?  Confident?

By fully allowing you to experience as much as you can with your affirmation, you will have more of a connection to your goals and dreams.

7- Let it flow – There are several speaker/trainers who only recommend focusing on 3 affirmations at a time.  I have tried several ways and personally like having quite a few, like 20-ish as of this recording.  I read through them each day and I find that they things that I need most in a given moment hit me a little harder than the others or they have more meaning.  The affirmations I need on a given day have a way of finding their way into my mind and heart.  When I had only 2 or 3, I was definitely more focused on those, but I felt like I was lacking in other areas of my life.  Having more of a list of affirmations that has helped me to feel more balanced in all the areas of my life.

So, by let it flow, I mean to write down the things that are on your heart.  Don’t feel like this is the ONLY list you can ever have, because you can add to, change and tweak your affirmations as needed so that they are most meaningful to you.  I like to kind of do a “brain dump” where I write whatever comes to mind for 5-10 minutes and then I will make them into affirmations that are meaningful to me.  This way, I give myself some space to look at all areas of my life – business, personal, relationships, health, etc. and set out goals and hopes for each.

Show Challenge:

Set out your own affirmations.  The sooner the better!  How are you going to implement using affirmations into your life?  Start experimenting now and see what works best for you!

Show Notes

Daily Affirmations – printable show notes

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